WoTLKPlus – Launching Soon!

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Tired of broken custom content? Experience classic WoTLK with just QoL features..

Discover WoTLKPlus, a World of Warcraft 3.3.5 private server delivering a Wrath of the Lich King experience with enhanced gameplay.

All-New Races
Discover the Goblin and Worgen races, each with unique abilities and racials. Play any class with these exciting new options for unparalleled freedom.

Access Services Anywhere
Say goodbye to running back to town! Access the Auction House, Bank, Class Trainers, Mailbox, Professions, and Repair wherever you are.

Account-Bound Features
Your achievements, gold, mounts, pets, reputation, and even wings are now shared across your entire account. Progress once, benefit all your characters!

Downported Mounts
Unlock and ride a variety of mounts from later Warcraft expansions, lovingly downported for your adventure in Azeroth.

All Race & Class Combinations
Unleash creativity with any race and class combination. Plus, swap racials anytime for a cost—your journey, your rules.

Enhanced Rates
Enjoy 5x experience and drop rates to level up and gear up faster than ever!

Learn as You Level
No trainers required—automatically learn spells and mounts as you level, keeping the focus on your epic adventure.

Transmog System
Customize your character with our transmogrification system. Look your best while taking on Azeroth’s challenges.

Improved Loot Lockouts
Our individual loot lockout system locks you to the boss and not the raid!

Anti-Cheat Protection
Play fair and safe with our anti-cheat measures, preventing flyhacking, speedhacking, and other exploits.

In-Game Store
Shop for exciting items in our gold-based in-game store to enhance your adventure.

Economy Growth Features

Items under item level 251 are now Bind on Equip, fueling a vibrant trading market.
Automatic world channel joining ensures better communication and a lively community.

WoTLKPlus – Launching Soon! News

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4 years ago

Best server online atm, is really good for who dont have time to play blizzlike anymore, or who enjoy play casual gaming, is fun, u can do raids when u want, how much times u want, very well scripted, so is possible chase archivements anda all professions working 100%

If u need something look for me ingame- Potayba (english or portuguese)

4 years ago

GMs that support their personal characters with items that arent even obtainable yet. Players that rather slack in the shop than helping players with something needed. This server is a good idea, but with this attitude of players and GMs, and this low population (~20-30 players), its unplayable.

3 years ago

Im new to this how do i go about joining this private server? I basically want to play something like the real WOTLK but i mostly play solo so the real game is a little harder for me finding groups and i simply dont have the time to grind all day every day but still want to be able to get some cool mounts and awesome gear..

3 years ago

I played on this server for 3 months in 2020 and quit for personal reasons. I’ve been back for about 3 weeks now and I must say that I’m enjoying my time for the most part.

There are around 100+ people during peak hours and as low as 16 during off-hours.

The server designed to allow solo play until players are ready for the non-solo content. It’s easy to get 6k GS here playing solo. At 6k GS, you can start grouping with other players for M+ and ICC/RS 25. There are ICC 25n runs organized by the guilds here at least once a day, almost every day. You can join these raids as early as 5.2k GS (sometimes there’s even no GS requirement). I personally don’t like carrying players from fresh. As I said, getting to 6k is easy and I’m more than willing to point them in the right direction if they care to listen. There’s really no need for new players to be carried from fresh.

If you want to play WOTLK without the hassle of leveling up, give the server a try.

3 years ago

Just joined this private server. I have never really been a fan of “funservers” but I am actually having A LOT of fun on this server. Mix any class with any race, the mall has NPC’s in sophisticated places instead of just in rows, the soloable content is fun, and can be challenging. I haven’t tried the M+ dungeons yet, but I am excited to try them for the WotLk dungeons! The only downside to this server I guess right now would be the population, but I am sure that will improve. Great server!

2 years ago

If hey don’t like you, they delete your characters. Or so i was told. Didn’t check mine. Maybe they are deleted or not.
But my friend was deleted. So if you don’t fit in the community, it was all for nothing. Then again, a joke of community that it is, in the first place, and you can solo a lot of content so it doesn’t feel like the same game.
Looking back, it didn’t feel like teamwork with other people, population so low, you’re lucky to get 2 people with you, to do sh!t. Sure, once upon a time, there will be a 20-man ICC 25N, which may kill half the bosses and disband because of drama, but thats all. Don’t expect it to happen everyday.
For it won’t.

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