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Realmlist: set logon.guildfront.gg
Discord: https://discord.gg/fvZWZcNFc7
Realm Description
- Innovative WoW server focused on guild collaborations and strategic gameplay.
- Unique Guild Progression system that encourages team play and strategy.
- Guild Islands that can be unlocked, upgraded, and transformed into strategic hubs.
- Thrilling high-stakes Raid Wars for engaging guild-to-guild challenges.
- Guild Achievements system that offers tangible rewards and recognition.
- Icefront, a progressive realm for players to start at level 70.
- Enhanced gaming experience through a specially designed Launcher & HD Client.
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dont just dont try this server the gamemaster is delusional and will ban anyone who questions his authority or coding, speaking about the coding most dungeons and their heroic counterpart dont even work some bosses being unkillable due to game breaking bugs.
Naxx is a fucking mess to the point where the goo that reduces ur stats is coded to be water and does nothing, the bosses work(sort of) the quarter teleporters dont function so have fun walking back or suiciding
Os and EoE were postponed for 3 weeks and when they came out they had the same bugs as on PTR
The gamemaster favors a german guild that is struggeling to clear 10m content over the nr 1 guild who is doing world first 25s.
I believe that im allowed to complain about these things, ive been playing since day 1 and i also hold the server first naxx 25 and os 3d, im also part of the aformentioned nr1 guild and os 3d was the thing that made all of us quit
Tldr the server is an unplayable bug ridden mess with a developer that dosent fix nor care about fixing shit he only cares about his ego and if you try explaining whats wrong to him you will get banned, stay far away from this mess its not worth it
“Cus its a German server!” was gms answer for all my questions.
14 ppl at the peak are online.
you can buy pre raid and 450 profs with real money.
and you will get gms attention for tickets after 48 hours even if they are 8 ppl online.
and full of bugs and gms dont give a sh*t.