Avg. Population
Realmlist: set realmlist logon.dalaran-realmlist.org
Realm Description
A popular WotLK private server with a sizable population of over 1500 during peak hours. Currently has two realms online with anti-ddos protection and a functional Windergrasp PVP zone. The offer gear in their cash shop, however they only offer level 70 gear and lower.
Dalaran-WoW News
Highly recommended if you miss the blizz-like true Wotlk experience. Community is cosy and helpful, though the server still has some bugs, it’s very very playable.
Can someone please tell me how to join this server? I have never played on a private server before. The last time I was really big into wow was Wrath and I have missed the game ever since.
Hey there, try following this guide:
Thank you! My next question would be do I have to pay for a wow subscription to play on a private server?
Nope, that’s the thing about private servers, they’re free. There are some that offer a suscription like warmane to avoid long queues at login. But all of them are usually free.
I just have a very simple question- is there world PvP on this server in zones other than Wintergrasp? If so, is there a way to opt-out of it?
I simply don’t enjoy WPvP, in my experience 95% of the time one party ganks/camped in a situation where there’s no possible way for the other to escape, let alone fight back.
Thanks for the info!
great server overall, highly recomend but low population on mid level dungeons\areas, not that bad for dugeons on low level but areas still deserted. Seems most people do end game content and sometimes have to ask on global for bg queues.
Administration deceives
does the server have something like a discord or anything?
Wanting to take a look at this server but the Torrent is broken, zero support on their website and the only available Torrent service for this wants me to pay to get it. Nah thanks, I’ll pass on this server.
For pvp arenas and bgs it’s better than Warmane cause Dalaran has less dontation and you can’t buy top gear here so it’s perfect Wotlk server !
Has gone to muck realy fast after the new server
So I register, set realmlist, try to go on the main server but it always tells me to f- off cos the realm has locked character creation. Both factions even, so it makes that much less sense as I would originally think its done to keep balance 50/50 what would be an awesome thing otherwise but nope.. So I can either f- off or go to some new, completely dead realm with 50 people on it. Garbage.. waste of my time
Using Qtorrent works very well to download the file as for that just open the folder and click the wow launcher .exe as for algalon players hit lvl 80 and you can access the vault for older characters.