WOW Hardcore – Permadeath

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Permadeath, World Of Warcraft Classic, 1.12 Progressive Realm.
Release on March 26th, 2023

You only have one life!

Your character is automatically archived if you die
Resurrect your fallen heroes on our 2nd Realm: Sanctuary
A worldwide announcement is made on death
Realm first and in-game hardcore achievements
Progressive realm & Blizzlike rates (x1)
Active fight against Botting/Cheating
Experienced and dedicated staff, open to changes.
PTR realm available for players

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1 year ago

Terrible server with an insane amount of death appeals, it is just ridiculous. Riddled with bugs as well. Super low population and for good cause. Stay away
1 year ago

The server is awesome, there is still bug here and there but the staff are working really fast!

1 year ago

Don’t play on this server guys, its p2w.

My experience on this server has been very disappointing at best, the HC rules achievement description contradicts their website or is missing from it and GM does not seem to know what would invalidate the achievements either.

I levelled a hunter to 40 with the starter gear we all get after creating character at level 1 so practically naked, was only allowed to use white vendor weapons, no better gear allowed, no AH, no obtaining items from mail, no questing so grinding mobs 1 by 1 to be safe for experience, no trading allowed.

When i was level 35 i asked in world chat because without being a forensic investigator on their website it would have been hard to tell if handing in the Nat Pagle fishing quest would invalidate the Help Yourself achievement and someone said it did not because First Aid did not so i went ahead and did only to have 1 achievement invalidated which crushed me. Spoke to GM Nyu who said he would revert after coming back from holiday (gee wonder where he got that money from if not from private server) and when he came back stated he would not revert the achievement. I reached level 40 by time he came back from player funded holiday.

I have seeing so many death appeals from one single player, all approved, most likely cause they support the GM financially (for his holidays). This sounding eerily familiar to a certain other private server in the past? Me thinks so!

Imagine after 40 levels of grinding mobs only naked with no gear and crappy white weapon, i near went insane but had others cheering me on, for the Horde, to have this issue. I had 0 death appeals in 40 levels.

10 months ago

Small server, which means the community is tight nit and helpful, and trolls/spammers get banned almost immediately. Only one raid team on the server but they raid weekly, and are always open to helping out newer players whether to carry or just give advice. Low pop means the economy is lean but ssf is super accessible with world resources and rare mobs. Bugs are pretty much nonexistent anymore and death appeals are extremely sophisticated to protect from any crashes/DC but prevent abuse.

10 months ago

I highly recommend this server!
I played on so many private servers and this one just stuck with me, of course it depends on what kind of experience you are looking for. This server has a small welcoming and helpful community, they helped me on the way to 60 as I now help to whomever is in need. I really feel like we are all a big open family, you don’t get that feeling anymore in video games. It has a true classic feel and you don’t have to trust me on my word, see for yourself how good it is. I saw someone say here that it is pay to win, there is no such thing as boosts or something, only thing you can pay for is aesthetics like a special looking mount or pet…I also have to add one other thing, most players are men and when I hit 60, I was afraid to join voice on discord for raids and dungeons, but everyone was completely normal, treated me the same as everyone else, so I cannot sweat this enough how this community is special!

10 months ago

I have 20 level 60s and 70 deaths.

10 months ago

Incredible server! I have played here for 1 year and I love it. Everyone is friendly, we raid weekly, sometimes we have Mak’Gora tournaments and so much more. The owner really cares and has solved countless bugs, and he is always in touch with the community and takes our opinion into consideration too. It’s just a good community of people having fun and supporting each other. Come join the fun!

10 months ago

I’m pretty surprised by the negative comments beneath lol. I’ve played for half a year on this server and my experience has been really great. Varely any bug, amazing community… even how can someone say its p2w haha if you can literally buy nothing from the shop that has any impact in the gameplay :__) Anyway, totally recommended!

10 months ago

Enjoying this server a lot been raiding for a few weeks now people are helpful. And fair appeal system in place. would recommend for a nice hardcore experience.
Bugs are reportable and are getting worked on continuously.
represent <Hard Chores>

Last edited 10 months ago by TheBrill
9 months ago

I started to play there a month ago cause i wanted a non edited bullshit server to play but just a 1.12. true vanilla.
The server is really nice, we are a small community but anyone help who is the most important part for a vanilla like server 🙂
There is a weakly raid team who do a great job every week 🙂
The Death appeal system work really well, just need a video record to send to the team and if is a bug appeal your pg get back to be used and seem all fair and equal 🙂
There is around 10 achievement for HC just for fun, dont have any utility but was fun to do it 🙂
Right now is cross faction too.
I nice little project who deserve more visibility 🙂
There is any form of P2W.
I truly recommended it for having a relaxing playstile of vanilla wow 🙂

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