Turtle WoW

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WARNING: This server was hacked recently: https://www.dkpminus.com/wow/news/turtle-wow-hacked/

Mysteries of Azeroth — is a story expansion made by the Turtle WoW Team, inspired by the Warcraft universe of Blizzard Entertainment.

This expansion aims to take a different path from the Burning Crusade, emphasizing the familiar Azeroth of Vanilla WoW over the cosmic battle with the Burning Legion. While being heavily based on the lore from Warcraft 3 and Vanilla WoW, Mysteries of Azeroth seeks to enhance the game by adding content that matches the already well-established lore of Warcraft Universe.

Turtle WoW News

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4 years ago

The best vanilla WoW server, don’t look further, this is it. It even has features that Blizz removed during WoW beta like survival profession, gardening, tauren fast running and many more. Guilds can have a house anywhere in the world and you shouldn’t be worried about numbers because pve content is cross faction so you will always find groups to do stuff. Also there is an awesome pvp ranking system so I highly suggest that you at least give it a try. https://forum.turtle-wow.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=728

8 months ago
Reply to  Zackiff

paid actor

6 years ago

This server is GREAT!

6 years ago

Really nice server with friendly community and cool features, just like Vanilla but better. don’t let the RP sign fool you, it has everything !

6 years ago

If you want to explore the entire Vanilla world without any rush and meet cool people along the way, this is your server. 🙂

6 years ago

Just joined, but the community is friendly and mature.

6 years ago

very friendly community

6 years ago

Love this server and the community in it! Join!!!

6 years ago

This is by far the best vanilla server that I have ever been on.
People are terrific, scripting is stellar and the staff are cool – And this is all despite the short livespan of this server. It seems to be growing everyday.
So are you looking for a vanilla experience, with social and cool people, then this is the server for you!

Best regards,
Level 60 Dwarf Priest.

5 years ago

Very nice server, Has a lot of things to offer.
Great Community and Support
Definitely +5 Stars from myself

5 years ago

I am a recent addition to the Turtle-Wow community and have loved it do far. All the things i loved about Vanilla and a great community. Just hoping now for a larger Server Population.

5 years ago

Go turtles go! Best server ever! Finally you can play with the looks of Wildhammer dwarfs or maghar orcs to name but a few vanity skins of course with no gameplay effects just cosmetics! Awesome 🙂

5 years ago

I love this Server , better than original , no more blizzard vanilla for me , i found something better here

4 years ago

Keep up the great work!!

4 years ago

Still going and still the friendliest private server by a long shot. This is how you remember wow, with quests you’ve never seen before and people willing to help at every turn. You don’t have to role play, there aren’t any toxic try-hards and not being ganked everytime you land is really nice. The staff are knowledgeable, helpful and very active in game and on discord. Try it, you might like it!

4 years ago

This is better than watching TMNT !!!!

4 years ago

Great server new player and loving it.

4 years ago

Best server ever! Best community! Great people. Friendliest GM and admins! It’s not very populated, but you will never be alone.

4 years ago

I played this server for about a year and I enjoyed it the darker nights and hardcore mode work out a lot better than I thought it would and the new content they are working on was also looking good but two of my characters a hunter named duckcommand and my druid named elderlarry they did not like those names which is why I went elsewhere so if you play turtlewow be careful with your names.

2 years ago
Reply to  Torta

hey Torta, why do you delete legit complaints or downvote them?

Those are very REAL experiences, and you’re silencing their voices, preventing them from being heard.

If all you want are comforting lies, than you’re as fake as your server is GOOD.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stonecrusher

i just went to their facebook page and the comment section was full of triple vaccinated ukraine supporting NPCs thats why

2 years ago
Reply to  Maci911

Okay boomer.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stonecrusher

they are scared of critics ):

2 years ago
Reply to  Torta

Your staff ban people for simply questioning their righteousness, it’s ridiculous as you are for not seeng the truth. Your friends ruin your project.

4 years ago

Very good server

4 years ago

So I gotta say this video is not full at all. I have played many servers and this one I have played for several mounths now so here is the honest feedback. The servers population ratios is more like 15-85 horde to alliance. The script is nice and there a lot of custom quests that help you level quickly unless you plan to play hard mode. There very good and friendly people that will help you out and that you can raid with , but there is a big BUT . The server has a lot of toxic players some of them are actually part of the staff. If you plan to PvP on horde side then get ready to lose weeks in a roll and to be gloated from the alliance and the staff which are biased towards the faction. The server has 0 class or faction balance, the paladin holy strike which is the the only ability added just for alliance deals 1k normal dmg on any player and crits for +1500, it’s totaly unbalanced for example a 58 lvl paladin will crit for 2k with green gear. Get used to play 2v1 or 2v2 matches and hope you get a single badge or an honorable kills. Also if you evade in WSG alliance players mainly GMs then you better get used to threats for getting banned as well and feel free to abuse if you’re alliance and graveyard camping.
But of course there are some good people and I happy to know them and do content with them. The server is definetly horde player UNFRIENDLY, I got a message from one of the staff that states that all horde players are scum.
I do hope the staff gets their head right, but I think that’s a long shot at best.

4 years ago
Reply to  Pancake

So true, toxic staff, muting people out of nowhere, using kill commands to kill off your character, and other stuff. The premise is great execution and support from the staff is bad as hell.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pancake

Hey Pancake, my name is Stonecrusher and I played Alliance (a 60 paladin).

Just so you are aware, I completely agree with ya! I brought it up in chat, even tried sticking up for horde players (which got my ousted from groups and guilds alike).

It’s sad that the server suffers from an insane bias like this. I got banned btw for calling “Mannerheim”, one of the “Gloaters” as you put it, “hitler”.

I got muted for SEVEN DAYS for calling him hitler!!!!!
And after 4 days, I was banned completely. Every account I had was banned too, so either it’s a mangos error from me trying to login too quickly, or they actually just banned me because they hate the truth.)

Anyway, I feel for you. I posted my thoughts here and my “comments” never made it passed approval because the truth hurts.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pancake

You are completely correct, Pancake. I played alliance here to 60, and noticed it as well.

Calling it out got me called “Horde Fanboy” and other things like “u clearly play horde.” (despite this Dwarf Paladin being my only damn 60).

That said, I feel for you. Gonna try and keep reposting this as my comments keep getting deleted despite not breaking any forum rule.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pancake
tottaly agree, they love to threaten people with bans or mutes but is so unnecessary, they just dont like people playing the game diffrent then from their roleplay pseudo imagination
1 year ago
Reply to  Pancake

TY for your comment, man. I was thinking about starting to play on this server.

4 years ago

Great server, population is ok, its made up for by a very friendly community, responsive and helpful GMs, unique expansion, new content to make things interesting, extra features removed by bliz, and the paladin isn’t just auto attack yay Holy Strike!…. love it!

4 years ago

I’ve been part of the community for quite a while and I do feel like I can write an honest review.

1, Leveling
The leveling experience is nice, with tons of custom content that helps you level up quicker, some custom modes, like lower rates, no rested bonus, etc. If you more into the social aspect of the game I would suggest you bring a friend or better 5 friends to run dungeon content with you as you probably will have problems with finding a group.

2, Endgame
Endgame content in turtle wow is divided into little “cells” which are not very keen to join forces with outsiders. You have one team doing AQ40 and the rest stuck in MC, Pugs are not a thing so not expect to do raids unless you are part of a guild with staff members.

3, PVP
PVP is pretty much dead, BGs do not work as they should, your only option is Arena fight over Arena chest or WSG which is usually something like 3vs3 with dev on one side telling you how much you suck just because you don’t play alliance.

4, Staff
Staff is helpful most of the time. You come across few people who are helpful and few people who are straight-up rude towards the player base. Just do not argue with them otherwise they will mute you out of nowhere, threaten you with banns, or whatnot just because they think they better than the players.

In general, this server has a very good premise, and I do think them devs mean well yet sometimes it seems like they suffer from a lack of attention to detail. The alliance is prioritized and the scale of custom content on one side doesn’t match the other. Also, don’t try to help them in any way they will just tell you that “nobody asked”.

Comunity 4/5
Scripts 4/5
PVP 2/5
Staff 2/5

In the end of the day if you are willing to give it a go you might have a good time.

3 years ago

great content, but dont even bother to play here if u’re planning to play horde,, this server is completely alliance biased. Horde is basically NPCs faction here lmao.

3 years ago
Reply to  Kyloren

The server is crosfaction, it doesnt matter what faction or race you are.

2 years ago
Reply to  Frostyfyre

Frostyfyre, it’s not crossfaction in terms of BGs, so it does matter — at least if you wanna rank up and get gear.

And honestly? He’s not wrong — the general chat on this server is beyond toxic. It’s not uncommon to be made fun of for playing horde (even in Guilds) and my only 60 on this server was a Dwarf Paladin.

The community seems to hate Horde players in general ( and Horde Lore but thankfully noone role plays here so that doesn’t matter).

Ultimately, if you play Horde, any other server (Darrowshire in particular) is much better assuming you don’t mind the PvP-always-on.

Nostalrius this server is not.

3 years ago

Best RP PVE server out there, currently there are about 300+ players. Unique HC mortal mode, where death is final

2 years ago
Reply to  Frostyfyre

Boy, you definitely don’t seem bias’d at all.

You are correct though. It IS the best “Rp PVE” server out there. Not because it’s earned that title, but because it’s the ONLY server that’s both RP and PvE.

Considering you’re name, I assume you played a female human mage of the same name, who posted sardonic and out right incorrect information in general chat regarding any complaint to balance.

But hey, it’s easy to mock and shame others than it is to make ACTUAL arguments.

3 years ago

Great server! The new extension 1.16.0 is fascinating!

Hogger v3.0
Hogger v3.0
3 years ago
Reply to  TheCanna

Yeah it was masive and pop is now up to 1k at peak.

2 years ago

I’ve been playing for months now. ONE OF THE BEST WOW SERVER OUT THERE

2 years ago

Toxic Community if you look closer.

Anything that doesnt fit the established world view of this server, be it on discord or world chat is met with an absurd toxicity, if you dont want to join the community and just go out an play its a great server, but dont ask questions else you get ridiculed and jumped by multiple persons. i came here because i thought the community was nice, but i all got was rejection and arrogance, the GM’s are toxic in world chat “sanctified” belittles people on a regular base and calls it banter, even if people say they dont like it.
the same attitude is met if you get in contact with “valrosh” the lore writer for the server who rejects any lore that doesnt fit his world view and bends the existing lore to his interpretation, if you critzize or question this behaviour your met with fiercy followers who would do anything to make you look bad and if so constantly brings it up to discredit anything you say, making memes and openly jokes about you.
Moderators will mute you if you “accuse” people with your opinions.
you can argue with reason and get called names, in public discord chats you are constantly exposed to people who will troll you, even if you tell them that you have autism or problems to understand sarcasm or jokes, they will just continue. just for asking if something is normal, you are made to feel stupid, with the explaination “dont tell me somewhere it is different”, so the reason for being picked on :” everyone does it” is a accepted philosophy under turtle wow players. i am no snowflake, but if i join a server and am met with no serious answers atall, i personally think something is wrong.

TLDR, play the game ignor the community and you get a decent wow, with no game breaking bugs.

Last edited 2 years ago by thunderhead
2 years ago
Reply to  thunderhead

Completely agree.

For some reason my comments keep not getting posted, and I posted decent critics here.
And looking at reros comment below makes me wonder why mine are moderated so heavily.

2 years ago
Reply to  thunderhead

I feel you bruh, fascist server as it is with zero tolerance to critics even if mild one.

2 years ago

server for retards omg pve server in vanilla just no comments

2 years ago

great server

2 years ago

just checked online and was 1051, wow !

2 years ago

So many people talk about how great this server is, that I’d just like to point out that for every “great thing” it has, it also has a rather ugly thing that reveals itself.

PvP balance is non-existant. They balance the game around PvE in the worst way– fury warriors can top dps in the best gear?

Well, let’s make every class do that, while nerfing things like “Slam”. Not only that, they don’t nerf things that would normally offset this. Warriors take 10% more damage from EVERY source to get their dps. Paladins do not make that kind of sacrifice.

I’m fine with us getting Holy Strike, but reckoning makes it a complete joke– run up to an enemy, get all 5 stacks, unleash holy strike and destroy a 60 horde warrior in the best gear while i’m in BRD blues.

This is what makes this server a mess. If you only PvE, you’re probably ok. But you might as well play a Druid or a Paladin, because you’re in for a bad time with warrior (unless they somehow buffed them too, but it doesn’t look like it). Frost mages and rogues are even more broken in PvP, and druids are probably super cancer now in WSG. You know, the things PvPers HATE ABOUT VANILLA.

As I stated in my Topic above, the server administration is very bias’d and truthful statements are often struck down. You’ll find yourself being bullied by 10 people using sarcastic responses rather than any logical response.

For example: “I think Warriors deserve to have a few QoL changes for pvp to make them less frustrating to play.”

Will get this response “Lol…. biased to warriors. I’m gay.” rather than “Well, why do you feel that way?”

I guess that’s the result of having High Elves in vanilla wow; we get more “High and MIghty” responses rather than real responses.

Anyway. If you’re into casual pvp and you like classes like Warrior or Disc Priest, you’re better off playing on Darrowshire or any other vanilla server that exists.

F*ck TurtleWoW.

2 years ago

TurtleWoW = Nazis??

You know what special group of people banned communication outright because they disagreed with dissent? NAZIs, that’s who.

My “news” that was posted broke zero rules. It wasn’t harassment, as I played on the dang server in question. I stated what I liked and what I disliked. A little harsh, but nothing a 5 year old couldn’t handle.

Many people and voices have been silenced here, and banning me without warning is rather questionable at BEST.

My point stands: TurtleWoW is an unbalanced mess with hypersensitive administrations.
They ban and mute for no reason; one guy said he was muted for simply not knowing the word “cis” meant in a big conversation that was happening in his guild chat.

it’s absurd, and the rampant immaturity shown by not only the developers, but the community managers as well, is disgusting.

0/10, don’t play or support these people.

2 years ago

I played this server for a little over a week with the highest level being 19.

This server is annoyingly buggy. I wanted to like it, so I stuck around despite its flaws. I noticed the mobs tend to follow much further than they should. The priest I played felt so weak and the warrior I played felt so strong compared to other servers.

I was muted by a GM for using slurs, when I never used them in chat. In fact I didn’t say anything when I was hit with a mute. That was the final straw for me.

2 years ago

Kind of weird to see so much negativity against Turtle in these comments – with positive ones being downvoted. Meanwhile, the old and cynical Reddit has always been all sunshine and rainbows about Turtle? Weird. Shills?

Either way, Turtle is an incredible server. The very fact it has continued existing as a small RP-PvE realm for 4 years is an achievement in and of itself. And now it has exploded in popularity, to 2400 concurrent players? That’s insane.

Regarding the mods – I’m quite autistic and edgy, talked politics recently, and all I got was a whisper to stop, I stopped… and that’s it. Nothing remarkable, but at least I was neither muted nor banned. That’s the song of my people either way.

2 years ago

Don’t listen the trolls in the commenent’s complaining about how they got banned for nothing. It’s load of bull, listen guys. Turtle wow staff are simply keeping the discipline in the server, you can’t get away with toxicity and racism. I played for ages there, joked around with guild mates and no one gets banned unless you act as pure cunt, you know the type of average warmane player. They might even be warmane refuges can’t say, just know that with increasing pop there’s many assholes but thankfully staff is filtering that garbage

2 years ago
Reply to  RandomGuy

lol you actually can play with name Surovikin there, tell me about cunts boi.

2 years ago
Reply to  Aleksandr18

First of all, calling someone “kid” or “boi” is the proof of your own immaturity.

This server is made so that player can experience the classic+ experience to the fullest, without fear of being bullied and picked that’s why rules are pretty
harsh, in compare to the majority of wow servers. You may not be aware of the fact that wow private server community is akin to the Wild West. Racism, bullying, insluts, even threats are everyday stuff to the servers like warmane.

Now you’re just pissed off at the fact that you got banned for braking the rules, and now just complain like bitch. There’s plenty of chaotic servers and forums where you can ease your frustration with trolling, political non-sense and crude joke.

Last edited 2 years ago by RandomGuy
2 years ago

I see the toxic players crying out loud, for getting what they deserved. As it should!

2 years ago
Reply to  Venkolm

i agree players who are playing on this terrible realm get what they deserve because wasting time for a project like this is just acting stupid .

2 years ago
Reply to  Venkolm

Ofc we are toxic, not 12 year old GM who give you ban for something like-hey you mute wrong people bruh.

2 years ago

Run Away from Turtle WoW!!

Very toxic community on this server. Don’t act like you’re new to the server or you will get hassled. Don’t ask questions and for sure don’t let anyone know you’re from the USA, you will not stop being harassed. Have seen death threats against Americans, just for being from America in world chat and no the staff does NOT do anything about it.

Good luck!

2 years ago

As well as mods that ban for no reason.

9 months ago

I don’t see any of the white knights trying to defend this one. They must know it’s right and just don’t care. As long as it fits the agenda.

I have seen similar behavior, not as extreme but yes the people on this server hate Americans. Not welcoming at all. Super toxic.

Last edited 9 months ago by WhitegoodmanfromDodgeball
2 years ago

I just got banned, asking for the truth over the accusations if torta is shenna, well it dindt took 5sec to delete me from discord and the server, furthering my concerns, as i got even deeper into reddit rabbit holes i adressed the topic with well established and known guilds, witch then confirmed most of it to be true and some are just plain coincidential stupidities, but…

In the conversation there came a few things up i cant ignore, Everyone does it, people think shenna is bad ? according to many people, everyone in this scene does it. not only torta, they are all in on this, they want you to not now the truth. even if you care or not, all they care about is their income, because they appear to not have any besides private servers.

i get it they feel threatened but… lying and censoring. not talking to people, just whipping away anything negative.

decide for yourself if you want to play on private servers, i am gone. i wont support lying, censoring thiefs. they could just tell the truth, ppl dont care actually… but to resort to such things with even the GMS and Admins in on it and instructed to prevent it in any case.

it feels… well more like a mafia than someone who wants to create something fun, milk as it lasts, change the name and forget the past… well gl guys.

2 years ago
Reply to  thunderhead

from a player who is playing on private servers for 15 years and is familiar with elysium / lights hope case .
let me tell you something –

shenna got a lot of toxicity irl because of that situation with whitekidney , according to some russian youtuber she even got physically attacked by some crazy ppl irl because of that and spent some time in hospital . so having to hide her identity now is completely understandable
.every private server is first of all a business that is created to make money for its creators . noones gonna pay for hosting and waste time to create something good only for the love of community or anything . its business . but retail is much bigger in that case so i dont understand ur frustration ?
whitekidney never was a white knight rofl . i dont understand why anyone is believing that guy when he has bigger thief / goldselling history than anyone else in pserver community .
i mean welcome to private server community where a girl gets attacked irl for something everyone else does too and having to hide her identity because of crazy ppl now . its a business just like retail . why is anyone surprised ?

Last edited 2 years ago by andrewclay
2 years ago
Reply to  andrewclay

because integrity and you said it yourself for them its buisness, for me its not. so their choice is money>game, so they will just apply anything to make money, and that always comes at costs for the “customer” or player.

and there are enough projects i would rather give my attention, and the key word is, all do it, who cares about shenna or torta or anyone, i only care for integrity and truth. i would do the same thing if it was whitekidney or crogge or anyone of those people who sold services, where shenna is the least evil of all
for me its, opening my eyes, i never was involved in the scene, it was fishy to begin with stealing IP from blizz etc etc. but i loved the game so i was just coping, by i cant ignore my consiousness supporting, potential sociapaths who dont give a fuck about their own kind

Last edited 2 years ago by thunderhead
1 year ago
Reply to  thunderhead

> “so their choice is money>game

Are we even talking about the same server? A friendly reminder that Turtle WoW is literally making its own expansion – something that has never been tried in the history of WoW! Are you all shilled paid by other servers or what?

2 years ago

ok i tried turtle wow and i figured why this server has so low population . this servers administration is overly woke as u can imagine – u will get banned instantly both in discord and on server if u say anything that they dont like . kinda funny tho – they are always so surprised why they get no ppl playing on their projects and their population literally drops like crazy when they literally ban everyone . all the negative feedback in this thread was totally well deserved .

Last edited 2 years ago by andrewclay
1 year ago
Reply to  andrewclay

The server reached 3.4k in August 2022, dropped to 2k in December (your “like crazy”, apparently), and is now up to 4k, March 2023. I can’t speak of moderation, but they clearly must be doing something right.

And I’m pretty sure you’re rather woke by my own standards, so I’m happy I don’t have to deal with 4chan NPCs thinking they’re edgy by being a centimetre to the right of Twitter spamming muh’ red pills in the Barrens chat.

1 year ago
Reply to  Adûnâi

and i am happy all the woke trash is playing on 1 garbage pve trashcan server so i dont have to deal with any of you shitters . have fun on ur pve trashcan u can even tell each other how great it is sniffing on that cope but u wont deceive any clever person . this server is the worst garbage i have ever played – even worse than everlook . and amount of pluses and minuses under our comments tell me i am right and community totally agrees with me . have fun buddy =)

Last edited 1 year ago by andrewclay
2 years ago

Good server with new spells and items wich i really really like but sadly very Bad GM’s
they mute you very fast.
Disagreeing with them is not allowed and results in a mute or bann
i feel like that they need to show people who is the boss because they are scared of not controlling people or their opinions.
if the world chat is saying words they dont like they threaten to mute you, even for simple non rude words.
they act like 12 year olds who feel important or something.

Last edited 2 years ago by Terrorglaive
2 years ago

i tried to lay all my doubts aside, and give turtle another chance, this is what happened:

just to be clear, i have autism, i dont understand jokes like normal do, but i dont think making fun of my gear or class or my person and making gifs and memes is appropriate if you clearly say that you dont think its funny, its not the first time, i made a another review like this where this happened.

they claim to be friendly, but all they do is making fun of people who are different, provoking you and muting you and ignoring you and calling you sensitive, even if you tell them you don’t want it. THEY claim to be MATURE and FRIENDLY. and tell you you are sensitive, if people who only make fun of get outcalled for doing so and the GMs support them and make fun of you too in public chat.

If you want to have fun in turtle wow, dont respond keep your head low dont complain unless you troll someone, which is accepted, but complaining and standing up for one self isnt.
you are not allowed to speak your mind, you have to accept that provoking people is more accepted than speaking up on it, making fun of is the common treatment if you are exposed to their World chat or Discord chat and again, the gms do it too…

i have the conversation here, make your own picture.


Last edited 2 years ago by thunderhead
2 years ago
Reply to  thunderhead

That’s really messed up. I got permanently banned because I posted some slightly political (depending on your bias) comments in world chat. First it was 3 hours, then I tried to appeal and they permanently banned my account and since it was an IP ban, my entirely innocent friend was banned as well.

I would advise the same, just don’t engage with their community. If you must, I wouldn’t suggest this server. They ignore your appeals if they decide they want you gone. They are completely unfair.

2 years ago

good server if you never intend to chat

gms are pretty gay but thats to be expected

Last edited 2 years ago by Kalo
2 years ago

I joined server some mounths ago purely for HC mode and had my fun with it, even got to 52 recently with my druid. And I should say in technical art it’s probably the best server ever. Bugs are mostly non existent, DCs are rare, alot of new content added work quite well. Lorewise added content is great too, evet wanted to know anything about burnt tavern on the border of the Dustwallow Marsh-you go girl, they added questline there and so on. So developers-you are great, thank you for some nostalgia with fresh notes.
Though all that gets ruined by ingame support and I guess by same people in Discord. Any word about GMs work-you get mute, any saasy joke-guess what, in best case scenario mute again. Some stupid name like Boobyboi-probably they ask you to rename character. Though you can see there all the funny names like Surovikin(seems going well with their rules and ruining the RP), IskanderZV and so on. Also some people not muted for same silly jokes so you never can tell when it’s appropriate or not to have fun.
Guess you all understand how it’s ended-I got banned silently and to know that I needed to wrote the letter to support. When I asked about why I can’t recconect in Discord they just banned me lol after gave me support mail address. Also found someone with same silent ban problem on their forum and guess what-they advice to wrote them a letter to support mail address. So I can guess those ban made silently by same GM by his personal reasons.
So you want have fun playing Turtle WoW-disable chats, don’t joke and never say anything about GMs work as chat moderator or anything even not praising about the server, they have zero tolerance to any discussion, they just ban you silently after several mutes. I am done with that server forever it seems, purely because of people like TinyFin and moderation policies. Community BTW realize this and harass this situation by reports with a plausible reasons for game masters. TL DR: good server, bad community management.

2 years ago

If you play on this server, don’t you dare post politics in chat, even if it’s mild/tame, because they will 3 hour mute you and when you dare to appeal, they will permanently ban your account. No response or explanation of anything at all for days now.

2 years ago
New players, please don't listen to these butthurt trolls whining about the fact they got banned. The reason bans are frequent here is because turtle wow stuff keeps discipline here. This isn't typical "warmane" type of servers where you can bully people, insult them about their race etc. You need to follow the rules and keep jokes to civil level and avoid politics, religous disscustion atleast on global chat. That being said it's not true that you can't have fun with your friends and guild mates and joke around in much healthy environment.
2 years ago
Reply to  RandomGuy

Okay mod

2 years ago

Don’t listen to anyone gaslighting this servers “staff” into a “good” light, it doesnt matter if you are racist or not or make dumb jokes, i did not, and got banned again, i havent even played for a alonger time on their server and suddenly noticed i was gone from their discord,
all i did, was asking questions, maybe a naughty joke or too in world nothing religious or political or racist.

the sole fact that i posted here and made it public and tried to bring this to people so they can see uncensored reviews of the server made me get a ban.

this staff is known for supressing opposing opinions and muting and banning you for exactly those. the community is great i had a good time and made friends regardless my disabilitys and social anxeitys there are good people playing this server under the rule of a dictatorship which censors anything negative or slightly from their POV “harmfull” to their server.

there is nothing to justify their actions. they have the right to. so do i for criticise it, what it brought me ? well i got banned my whole ip all accounts even the account of my wife.

2 years ago

Only reason why people throw hate on this server is because of owner’s nationality.
This is game, not politic scene, don’t bring that stuff here and you’re good to go.
Don’t trust on my words alone, see it for yourself you won’t regret it.

And also if you’re highschool bully type, try to avoid it as well, that behavior won’t be tolerated! However, if you wish to enjoy the non-bugged game without gold spammers, bots, bullying look no futher. See you in game guys.

2 years ago
Reply to  Verex95

stop talking nonsense . i am russian myself . only reason why people throw hate on this server is because administration is leftist scam that banns left and right for nothing .

2 years ago
Reply to  andrewclay

my best friends were russian my wife is russian, i love russian people… i got muted for saying “grow up”… dude… comon… how can you justify this behaviour?

9 months ago
Reply to  thunderhead

They’ll mute you for that but allow bashing of others as long as it fits their agenda.

2 years ago

True Classic + experience, fantastic server based upon gameplay. The mods?? WORST MODS IN ANY GAME EVER. You say one thing they don’t like and people get banned with no warning, IP banned too so no additional accounts. For example, some guild mates were joking about how paladins are confused priests. BANNED. No warning, no mute, just IP ban. Tyrannical and abuse of power. I would love this server if the mods weren’t insufferable. DO NOT PLAY HERE IF YOU WANT TO EVEN HAVE FRIENDLY BANTER WITH GUILDIES. Cannot express how bad the mods are.

1 year ago
Reply to  MAAgik

This doesn’t surprise me, this stupid server buffed paladins to make them stupidly OP.

This server is terrible

2 years ago

Yo, the community kinda sucks. Roleplayers that use RP as an excuse to be a simp. Lots of smooth brained face rollers here and getting a productive group can take hours. If your a multiboxer, there is a lot of hate and harassment even if you don’t bother anyone and sit in dungeons. Rules were recently changed to make boxing all but obsolete. There are a few QoL improvements, but for the most part is very retail like in function and the custom content is kinda meh and not super practical.

1 year ago

Again, I’m surprised at the numerous negative feedback – after all, Reddit is rather zealously supportive of Turtle, and the server itself has been growing in strides (reaching 3k concurrent recently again). So I will only share my most recent quirky experience (without having played much).

I used to donate a few rupees to their (now purged) Patreon page half a year ago, but then a month ago realised that my payment had gone through twice (because I was too stupid to cancel it the following month). I reached out to the dev on Discord, and got that second payment charged back with zero issues… That was the least scummy behaviour imaginable.

Can’t really comment on the political agenda, but my experience in the Anglosphere has taught me that if you want to avoid what is known in the modern West as “leftists”, you should rather learn a non-European language at this point to escape it, no point blaming a random server.

9 months ago
Reply to  Adûnâi

I’m sure Reddit does support it. They’re just as toxic as the people on this server.

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