Tauri WoW – Evermoon

tauri wow mop private server
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Mists of Pandaria Private Servers

Avg. Population

Realmlist: set realmlist hu.logon.tauri.hu

Discord: https://discord.gg/Mw76VSU

Realm Description

Tauri WoW’s Evermoon is a blizzlike international MoP private server.

We have a working Cross Realm Battleground, Cross Realm Dungeon Finder & Cross Realm Raid Finder system which connencts players from all our Mists of Pandaria realms to our X server, where they can play together.

Evermoon & Tauri realms are now connected together with the X-Auction House system, which means they can trade items via the Auction House between the realms.

We offer a VIP Membership to unlock extra features that are outside of gameplay.

Tauri WoW – Evermoon News

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5 years ago

I started playing a few days ago and this server is very good, the population is around 500 to 1000 players consistently (Evermoon = International server), and the other server Tauri has around 1000 to 1500 usually.

I’ve leveled a character to lvl 90 and there was almost no bugged quests in the way, really recommend it for those that want to experience MoP as it close as it was in retail.

4 years ago

Is there an npc in game that you can change the xp rate to x1?

4 years ago
Reply to  Higi

ohh okay thank you

4 years ago
Reply to  empress7706

Just type this in the chat: .Blizzlikexp
It will toggle between x4(default) and x1

4 years ago

Played 6 month ago. It was my best post-retail MoP experience.
Server has average/low pop. Also it has awesome scripting : all quests, instances, skills works fine.
No glithes, no broken pathfinding, not negative for all.
It is a 99.99% blizzlike.
Also evermoon got friendly community.
Highly recommented for all who missed MoP years.

4 years ago

Best MoP server! Default XP rate is x4 but if you want, you can toggle it to x1 by typing in the chat: .Blizzlikexp

4 years ago

how do I get in the private server for playing the game

4 years ago

Very good MoP server but it needs more promotion and much more players play for the Horde than for the Alliance

Gozen Unknown
4 years ago

This server is good, but like all wow private servers it has some flaws for example for you to change settings you need to go World of Warcraft 5.4.8\WTF find Config.wtf then right click on it and disable Read-Only. Now you can change the settings in game and everything will be saved like it suppose to.

As for the quest on minimap click Track and enable Low Level Quests.
Because in x2 server on 1-10lv. map Horde/Undercity you hit 16lv and the problem is when you go on 10-20lv. map you will not be able to see any quest because WOW doesn’t show you the low level quests like 12 level, but the problem is that you need to do those 12 level quests for higher level quest to apear for you to able to hit 20lv and progress on the 20-30lv map.

This Quest thing is not this Server Flaw but Original Wow, but they could have set Low Level Quest Enabled by Default and Config.wtf to have disable read-only by default.

So what i’m saying is all WOW private severs suffer from those i just write above.

,Other that those this Server seems to be 5/5, but with those minor headache because i had to search and tweak until i find out about those things i’m giving it 4/5 for now.

If you are searching for a private server wow official to play this is it.

Gozen Unknown
4 years ago

The game seems good but, for you to be able to change options you need to go on wow/wtf and right click on config.wtf properties kai disable read-only.

The other problem is the mages have unlimited mana why? other than that its good.

Gozen Unknown
4 years ago
Reply to  Gozen Unknown

Its not unlimited mana my bad, this is how official was aswell in start you don’t have any mana problems but as you level up you get skills that require more mana.
i didn’t know how to edit my commend so i replied instead

4 years ago

this forum btw some times makes me laugh so hard first scripting is 10/10 u cant even compare to the dogsh bugstorm and the popultation here its rated as the 3rd server while it has the most populated mop server its 1500+ at peak times with full english community best server so far while this forum rating it as the 3rd

4 years ago

Best private server ever made.
Ok, I admit MoP is not the best WoW’s expansion, but the quality of Tauri is amazing. Population is around 2,1 k and 3k in weekend,
the economy is solid and Evermoon has english speaking players. Tauri should be on the top of priveate sever, beceasue it is close to retail.
We can increase the populations together!
Come and try 🙂

4 years ago
Reply to  Zefi

I can’t open their website tauriwow.com, is it closed? I really wish I could join 🙁

4 years ago

This server is 5.4.8 patch, so for new players (especially PvP) players I would not recommend. It has low pop, and if you are starting out, you will have a hard time finding groups for PvE. For PvP, you will be stomped, everyone has full pride or at the minimum half prideful. Wasn’t all that fun joining at the end of the expansion. I would either wait for a fresh release of them (Legion or Panda again?).


Avarage: 8/10 (you can talk to anybody really, no one is a huge idiot)
PvE: 4/10 (elitists, like usual)
PvP: 4/10 (pretty toxic as expected)

Found some bugs, and some things have a tendency to get bugged, but it fixes itself after relog? IDK what this is really, but overall the best scripted MOP server.

Pretty low overall, but can get to 2.2K at peak times, which is playable.

I would say it’s a bit too late to start here, I would rather play on other servers, or wait until Tauri launches a new realm.

3 years ago

very bad server in terms of pvp. i need to wait forever in bg que. arena community not exist. only for pve players. shame beacause it one of the best expansions for pvp

3 years ago
Reply to  Andy

pvp é minha rola

3 years ago

fine server. almost no bugs. everything works. besides there drop system. it like there is 33% chance they dont drop anything. getting kind of
frustrated when you dont get any loot from 3 kills in a row or killing ordos and getting locked for the week for nothing. the people playing is every mixed. ethier they ask if they should get there main and help or they have a rage flip.

3 years ago

This is a very good server for scripting , RDF works very well ,however the only thing I find that lets it down is this super respawn rate with some zones like South Rachet , you kill one mob and move on to the next and before you’ve killed that one the first one has respawned already which if close enough aggroes on to you , after Rachet things seemed fine . but once I started questing in Pandaria Jade Forrest it started again , OMG the mobs there respawned too fast , posted about a week ago and its locked or I searched for the same issues and they’re also locked ,
If they could chill the respawn rates it be a spot on server

3 years ago

can’t more dowload why? i changer langueger for test

3 years ago

Absolutely the worst community.
It’s supposed to be a PVE server, but everyone flags themselves as PVP in the open world, and they try to bait you into accidentally clicking on them so that they can attack you, and most of the time they’re with their friends, because they’re that cowardly, that they can’t fight properly against skilled players in the arena,
Don’t play on this garbage server.
It has so many bugs too, where you have to just completely abandon tons of quests and find some other ways to get xp. Sometimes just by mindlessly running in a circle killing the same enemies over and over for hours.

COMPLETE waste of time. There are infinitely better servers out there. Don’t be filled with regret when you realize you’ve wasted your time on this indie, amateurish, shoddy server.

2 years ago
Reply to  healer

serious!! dude idk what you are on? i’ve been playing on tauri for almost 2 years and what you mentioned is a big fat lie!!! it is one of the best scripted servers you will get, maybe you just suck at playing the game!!

3 years ago

Don’t play on this server if you want pve. And don’t play if you want fair pvp.
Nothing but open-world pvp-baiters running around with their gangs because they’ve failed at proper pvp and at life.

2 years ago

hello i start to play 2 days in this server and the problem is that i cant se people in map you play with inself. population is very poor..in guild now1 speak to you..is rasism now1 speak english..you come and play the game and fun and not hate people..i dont understand this behavior..auction house is very poor ..the game work good but the server is weak..need more people here to get fun.how you get dungeon when dont have players ..this server need more work..onlline 460 only.that say it all..

2 years ago
Reply to  zybex44

yup, blame stormforge for population loss. Tauri scripts are 10 times better than on this new server. Tauri had 1000-2000 players when I was playing and now it is dead

2 years ago
Reply to  Lori

i just started 2 days ago, the world chat is dead not a single word in like 4 hours. I played i low populated servers and even with 100 people the world chat was active and the community very good, here you can ask something many times and none give a fuck. For new playes just a little advice, dont join this server, is dead even with 400 players, everyone do his business and for what i see high lvl people just stay in the major city like bots,stay away from this graveyard.

2 years ago

I tried it till the end.
Everyone keeps setting themselves to pvp and try to bait players that want to pve on this pve server.
I’m tired. I want fun, not “people” that want to ruin everyone’s fun.
Turn off ALL pvp in the open world, or no-one should play here.

1 year ago


1 year ago

same quest when you finish et you cant se et in map in 90lvl start the problems..useless support no1 whant to help you..devolopment is suck..and no1 fix this problem.

5 months ago

It’s a shame. I remember when this server had 2000+ people, now it barely goes beyond 250. If that doesn’t scream dead server, I don’t know what does.

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