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Uwow – 7.3.5 x100 News
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Artifact quests are not working currently , people are waiting for a GM to come and help and nobody gives a fuck, what a nice server
what do you expect from braindead russians?
I wait on sercer100x, what i GOT on server5x from CHICKEN the best holy gm on the world! He is nice, helpful, a Hero! But server 100x has no Chicken, just retards!
Only RU comunity sadly
donde descargo el launcher
I had fun for the first few days. I never had money for WoW and I have always played on private servers. I enjoyed that there was a low population. I finally made a demon hunter and prior to that I didn’t have a lot of bugs, but during the DH starting zone I had some combat bugs, so I wrote a ticket. A GM replied by teleporting me to GM island, doing /rude on me and killing me, then writing to me “Hi, your problem is fixed!”. I ended up confronting him about his inappropriate behavior and this led to him banning me for around a month. I deleted the game and the worst thing is that there is no obvious way to delete my account, I looked for around half an hour, but there wasn’t even an email where I could message them. 0/5 stars server because of the staff.
so i wont come here then!!!!!!!!!
Honorable mentions Felsong server