Whitemane – Maelstrom

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Realm Description

Maelstrom is an upcoming Cataclysm realm, coming March 3rd, 2023 – 8:00 PM CET.

It is a realm that has been worked on for years. Countless of bugs were fixed, thousands of changes were applied by a team of experienced developers.

Maelstrom is going to offer classic Cataclysm experience, with some quirks and changes.


  • XP Rate: x3 (1-60), x2 (80-85)
  • Ruleset: Blizzlike


  • Racial Shift: allows you to swap your racial abilities with another race.
  • Ancestral Wisdom: each level 85 character increases XP and Reputation gains of your whole account by 15%.
  • Auto-Learn: all new spells are learned automatically for free without the necessity of visiting your class trainer. You will also automatically receive mounts at the appropriate levels.
  • Flight Paths Unlocked: all flight paths are unlocked by default (except 80-85 zones).
  • Expansion Skip: You will have the option to skip TBC and WotLK content if you want. We are here to play Cataclysm!
  • Support: Our support team answers tickets in less than 40 days (maximum 24 hours) and is made of real people, blood and flesh. No automated scripts, we focus on a Player First model of support.
  • No GDKP: GDKP is banned, and goldbuyers/goldsellers/bots will have a hard time playing on Maelstrom with our clientside anticheat.
  • Mograine Transfers: transfer your Mograine character and receive account-wide title: Crusader

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Whitemane – Maelstrom News

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2 years ago

This server is DOA

Bugs, crashes, constant lag spikes…you name it, they got it.

It will take months before they can fix all of those issues, IF they can fix them that is.

I’d wait and see the development before start playing.

2 years ago

i mean its whitemane what kind of quality do ppl expect from this 😀 ? i remember their wotlk couple years ago and it was a disaster – i dont think this is any better 😀

1 year ago

I’ve played for a few weeks so far, it’s crashed 1 single time, and I have only found 1 quest that doesn’t complete. Otherwise I don’t see the negativity.

1 year ago

They pay for the reviews what do you expect? This server exists as a cash grab, nothing else. Look at their item shop, do you really want to play somewhere where they offer you such things for real money?

Josef Essam
Josef Essam
1 year ago

trashmane again ? no thx

1 year ago

The GM team is useless and toxic af, lead on Tide

1 year ago

This server is shit, a lot of non english speaking people, not even latin letters.
You skip outland and northrend. after geting 60 u get a mail with items and 20 lvls.
Guild spam is 24/7 every 2-5sec.
Communty dup af. kids. quit a dungeon after 1 wipe (tanks on the first spot).
This is more like a fun server, not a server were you stay and play.
Dungeons are Scripted ok, but you dont have the communty to play.
Donor shop is pay to win. Auction is inflated AF. 20x Linen Cloth 50g+ Server like this are why cata is on a bad word

1 year ago

Terrible server I do not recommend at all. the staff is bad, they don’t help and they are VERY unprofessional. I do not recommend investing any time into this server because when you run into a problem one day all your process will be lost due to the bad staff.

1 year ago

from PvP breaking bugs and thing such as 120 seconds no combat in BG = kick to straight up banning You because GM feels like it, do not waste time on this garbage, they cannot even script glyph of sprint as You wont run on water if You have already fallen into it let alone Vanish or more complicated spells, just do not play here

1 year ago

do NOT waste time here!
i got falsely banned for a week and ultimately got my account closed without any explanation or notice, i guess admins just did not like me enjoying World PvP on a PvP server, either way, a time sink, poor scripting, to the point where they have to make You skip 2 expansions, because uh, they cant script it, piece of shit out of 10

1 year ago

Crappy server and crappy “dev” team, they just waste your money and time

1 year ago

Meh server, Gm’s mute and ban left and right, lie about stuff, sent you to forum for every problem. At this point IMO the in-game GMS are complete useless clowns.

Other than that, Lots of bugs and server feels that it’s just meant for quick PvP fun. that’s fine that’s what I used it for. You can level from 1-60 and then you skip to 80 and get 5 more levels. To then enjoy the RDF que time of 2 hours because nobody plays tank or healer. – Everyone takes things seriously yet the bugs clearly make it a joke. 3/5 server.

Come for the PvP . Complain that some of the classes are useless and level toons until you are bored.

8 months ago

Don’t waste time playing here, GMs are liars who kick you from world chat for no reason and dont care about ninja loot, also there is no way you can do hc raid because nobody is playing it and people are very toxic in pve (nothing new there), they have no patience and made mistake then kick you from raid because they throw that mistake on you, couldnt stand that last thing. StormForge is a lot better, trust me! Yea and if you play online games please make friends somehow and do it with them, dont waste time on retarded people (especially not on people from Balkan)

Last edited 8 months ago by Milos
5 months ago

Useless dev team, nothing really works like it should.
You can open a ticket for some problems, maybe they fix it for today, next day or some hours later same problem again.
If you got a specific problem, you get bad answers they didn’t work or they just close your ticket without any comment.
Neon and Nightmare, sry but you are really bad GM’s

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