Burning Crusade Private Servers
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Realm Description
Netherwing, the most anticipated Burning Crusade realm, is coming. Sharpen your swords and prepare your spells for the biggest launch of 2023! Cross the Dark Portal and stop the Burning Legion from extinguishing all life on Azeroth.
Launched on March 2023. Fully Blizzlike progression, x3 experience rate.
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Default rate is x2, but you can level x1 rate by entering .xp blizzlike, in the chat. This server has been really great so far, feels very polished and the community is great! Everyone is leveling here for tbc, come join!
small update, it’s now at x3, toggle commend is now .xp toggle
How to download WoW for this server?
Karazhan is better than I expected
LF leveling partner starting fresh with me and playing all the way to the endgame, i can roll horde or ali (shaman/war/mage) i dont mind. Playing usually from 7pm CET up until midnight – im flexible in the hours. Hit me up if anyone interested.
the only thing thats stopping me from playing is 1x rate of levelling 🙁
How i understood in future Atlantiss – Karazhan will be Lich King server…..
ARe most of the quests working? are there bugged quests?
how do you join the server?
Atlantis has a much better development team and leadership then Endless. Having played both for weeks non-stop, Atlantis is 100% true TBC and the development shows that. Original TBC transfers nicely over to Atlantis and is developed very closely to the original TBC. Endless is a bastardization or “progressive” form of TBC. Endless has things the community wanted that may break the feel for hardcore TBC fans, where Atlantis is true TBC. Both have their pros and cons. They are not the same by any means. They have 2 different feels. It all depends on what you’re looking for.
Hi, pls … this sever is only for PvP ? or do something PvE dungeons … ?
why i have failed apply patch :/
i played on this server for some time . first of all this server has pretty good scripting i met some problems with quests during leveling but raiding has mostly good scripting . also i met some problems with textures but nothing too bad . another story though is story about community of this server . you will have trouble finding a good guild . most of the guilds lack good leadership and top guilds dont invite anything because they have core from previous realm . i had trouble finding a community i would fit in and since population is kinda low 2-3k you wont find a pug raid further than kara/gruul . so ye now i am quiting this server cause i cant raid cause of terrible community .
counldnt aggree more, i have the same experience
I used to be a Warmane fan. Played Lordaeron x1 rates. If you’re familiar with Warmane you can’t unlike this server, it’s just a very good overall server.
is there any Italian guild?
pve perfect pvp to many hackers and script kiddiy
Server is decent, stable and there are plenty of players.
However its terrible if you are a new player. 30 mins if youre lucky to find tank, people dont do dungeons in gearing and rep purposes as majority already got everything they need. You will wait for hours and be at mercy of RNG to a.) drop the item you need b.)win the item you need and then rinse and repeat.
Joining a guild rarely helps as well. There is simply no interest to do instances for preraid bis. Not to mention fail groups and stingy jerks that leave after one wipe.
Script of the server is blizzlike but it has a terrible community , guilds asks you to get gear that is not available in PUGS (for example being T5 to join a guild while there is no T5 pug) some people are mean and toxic for no reasons. I left the server because due to issues in my guild , I left and couldn’t find another one.
How i create my account?
Why I can’t join
Cómo me creo la cuenta ya estoy registrado pero quiero entrar en el juego y no me deja me dice que no tengo cuenta alguien me ayuda
Change the “x1” to “x2” its not blizzlike. And they sell XP boosts in the store.
1- Somewhat ok community
2- AH prices are mostly reasonable
3- Enough number of players to do something
4- Very stable server
1- Professions being 1x while XP rate is 3x meaning you will have to spend SO MUCH time on leveling them
2- As professions are very slow to progress, an average person will have a very hard time to get their flying mounts, in fact thats so far the only thing most people are doing to be honest; trying to make money. When people spend more time on making money and less time on actually playing the game (dungeons, pvp, raids etc) that will never end well in the long term for a server. Endless was the perfect example for this, it has been tried, tested and failed spectacularly.
3- The server is 1 week old as of today (5th of april) and even now the tank population has declined dramatically, after a few weeks we will probably be left with a dead server on our hands.Under normal circumstances finding a tank has always been difficult in any expansion, but when you have a dual spec feature, and it is completely free for alliance (so is changing specs mind you), and still you have a community of players not willing to play a tank. This will result in a free fall of decline in the upcoming weeks unfortunately, not many people are willing to search for a tank for 3-4 hours just to be able to finish a single dungeon.
basically everything i said about karazhan realm 2 years ago in this thread 100% applies to this new realm of theirs too .
With so big population and with special pvp addon StormforgePvP from devs no battlegrounds games untill 70 and even at level 70 I saw only 2-4 pvp games…
This is more pve server than pvp !
That is not true.
Correct that they don’t pop below level 70 (no incentive to do them before max lvl), but BGs at max level pop constantly non-stop, queue times are only a couple of minutes at most.
This server is a waste of time. they banned me for insulting gold sellers and spammers of World Chat in their private but they don’t give a sh*i about gold sellers or boosters or account sellers and even renaming or faction change services that been provided by some random people and not via website.
server is full of retards or Chinese afk or non answering dummies.
I got banned for botting while playing as a human. I probably farmed too much for flying mount and got massively reported.
Samé Story here, banned for botting. I asked why and admin told me that he saw some record And banned me. Has not been able to provide aby evidence nor even told me when And how I was botting. Waste od time
Server community is toxic, anti social and without basic gaming etiquette. Not worth the time investment.
Server is 50 to 80% of bot population. That is while they actually have online staff to ban people in chat who point it out.
They just banned my account for “3rd party mods”. Must have been my Bartender actionbar mod. They would have to ban every single account on this server for that. Actually they just free’d up my character names. Which shows how trustworthy and honorable their staff is. Thank you for deleting hours of my life so some GM or GM friend can use my characters name. Honestly, they show 3k players online ALL the time, population is mostly bots im pretty sure.
Banned for no Reason. Alegedly botting. Explanation: I saw the record, but unable to provide aby evidence. It’s a pitty, Its not bad server quite stále, no seriuos bugs, but the risk of loosing acc and thus wasting time is too high.