Firestorm – Sethraliss

Firestorm - Sethraliss BfA Private Server
Firestorm - Sethraliss BfA Private Server Visit Website

Battle for Azeroth Private Servers

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Realmlist: Custom Launcher


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Firestorm launched their Battle for Azeroth Sethraliss realm on March 16th, 2019 with an immediate and large population. The realm is PVE with x3 experience rates offering a blizzlike experience.

Firestorm – Sethraliss News

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daddy leo
daddy leo
5 years ago

Absolutely super mega hyper fking bugged 8.0.1 content, Dungeons, Raids and Quests.
Forget about playing Demon Hunter btw., basically impossible due to you either being too weak or all enemies too strong, every single quest is buggy-ish and you’ll be having GREAT trouble and frustration coming your way there.

They are currently having their 8.2.0 PTR Servers open to update their content.

I am simply questioning, how, when all 8.0.1 content is absolutely FU**ED, they can decide to upgrade and add more content to 8.2.0???

It’s just absolute garbage.

Their Website is nice, their Shop seems nice – and let me tell you – that’s the only thing they polished. The Game itself is garbage.
It’s been 2 Months and they can’t even fix the Damage Output the Vapors that spawn at the last Boss inside of the Dungeon The Deadmines which one-hit every tank.

There is just simply far too much going wrong in so many places with this Private Server, that I cannot recommend this.

I would have been absolutely fine with keeping on playing if I would see progress in bugfixing, but there is absolutely none in months not.

The cherry on the cake is the 8.2.0 expansion the plan for which I am now writing my review here.

Fu** you Firestorm for not giving a crap about all the already existing issues and adding some more on top of that.

Absolute Idiocy.

5 years ago
Reply to  daddy leo

level demon hunter in the legion expansion and then trasnfer it to bfa with the shop (free) 200iq

4 years ago
Reply to  pjotr

sure, but first get an initial toon to lvl 70 to even use a demon hunter on an empty server.

Yawn… who does this seriously?

just telling the truth
just telling the truth
5 years ago

For a 120 max lvl server, 3x is TERRIBLE! Before you can even reach max lvl, they update the server and drop everyone back down 50 lvls, delete all their gold, remove all their reputation, and remove who knows what else, so everyone has to start all over again trying to reach lvl 120, make all their gold back, build all their reputation again, before they decide to update their server again. You could pay $50 for max lvl with poor gear, knowing they’ll server wipe everyone again! Better just to play the official WoW servers, not have to deal with all the bugs, stupid rules, and most of all, wipes! Firestorm’s a complete waste of time! Keep looking!

5 years ago

why do you play wow if you are too bad to even level up a character before the next patch, 8.0.1 was 9 months long and it wasn’t enough time for you. and btw people on retail play with 1x xp. from time to time Boris appears and you can have a free 110 boost, and there are also 10x xp events

4 years ago
Reply to  pjotr


5 years ago

Ladies and gentlemen, if you’re looking for incomplete patches, toxic community, and not so great stuff, look no further. Welcome to Bugstorm!

What a disappointment. After incomplete 8.0 they implemented incomplete 8.2 and that quite a disaster:
– Good luck if your spells/class/spec is not working. Good luck if your spells mess up an instance. Good luck if you send a ticket about unpredictable error, and then receiving GM’s answer: “Sorry, your fault. Bye.”
– Still no Island expeditions at all. They’ve been announced months ago, three of them at least, and their explanation about having them “soon enough” leads me to believe it will be around 2022 ROFL.
– Darkshore is a complete waste of time. The way of attacking rares is probably set up to Heroic (they’ll one-shot you). No titanforge update at all, with reduced chance of obtaining blue gear, and compared to Arathi is very low. Good luck finding a big group for fighting Ivus. Some World Quests don’t work there. You won’t be able to experience 20 people scenario for there two zones at all.
– Mount requirements are missing. New hide gear transmogrification options are missing. Scrapping or disenchanting gear won’t give you Titan Residue.
– Nazjatar and Mechagon are not accessible.
– Raids 8.1 – 8.2 aren’t implemented yet. BoD works partially.
– No Naga Invasions. Faction Assaults, however, work.
– There is no flying yet! And while preparing for unlocking Pathfinder Part 1, you won’t be always able to complete all the quests/meta achievements, cause the NPCs can disappear or the quest chain can be easily broken. Such a pain in the neck it can be!
– Missing NPC for faction assaults currency. Trial of style vendor (Transmog NPC) sells cosmetic gear which you cannot buy. Island expedition vendors sells goods which you cannot buy.
If you like micro-holidays and season event, don’t expect much. The only fully functional is Pilgrim’s bounty. The rest of them are more or less bugged and probably copied from the WOtLK or Cata LOL.
– Do not use full level boost from game shop if you want to create an Allied Race. You won’t receive a quest for the Heritage armor. The devs forgot to mention this detail! Also, don’t boost an alt when an NPC called Boris appear in the faction’s capital city if you want cosmetic armor. These type of armors for core races might not be implemented at all.
– Game shop is missing a lot of things. You can obtain them with real money or with a custom currency called Loyalty points. Blood Elf NPC Jeanne will give you 12 point once per day when you click her. However, some currently unobtainable in-game things, such as transmog gear of weapons will be trickier to get if you need PVP currency, especially if it’s related to the older content. As a result of a forum proposition regarding the Honor currency changes, a certain player was simply insulted by a dev!
– Speaking of insults, let’s analyze the community. You can experience a lot of communication issues. A lot of people will address you in Spanish. However, there was a huge ‘English vs. Spanish as a main language’ fight among players. Thus, some of the Latin American players will ignore you even if they understand English. The good thing is, however, that there aren’t many language elitists. Profanities are a common issue. You can be insulted and harassed on a daily bases (insulting your race, gear, mog, giving you bad names and calling you prostitute, or using a variety of gay slur-type of curses). The best way to deal with them is to completely /ignore them. The forum will not be helpful, considering how one of the devs explained that punishing those type of players will “reduce player base for 70%,” which, in simple words, means less money for Bustorm.
Also, a harassed guild was left to deal alone, even-though the provided proofs “weren’t enough” for co-GM, who admitted he saw the problem himself. I mean, really?
– Rules can be easily changed, without transparent details, meaning players won’t find out about them, which can result to ban! According to devs logic, it’s players’ fault!

Conclusion: Please, find another Private server if you expect a lot, or play on Retail.

Good luck, good people of the Internet

5 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

Dear Samantha, you are a retard.
First of all, can you name a bfa server better than this one?
Do you even read the patch notes? They said that changing to 8.2 doesn’t mean that they will script 8.2 content, they clearly said what they will script, and what they won’t. With that said, why do you expect: Nazjatar and Mechagon, 8.2 raids, Naga Invasions, flying (on a side note, would you like if they would implement flying as a shop only feature?), and Trial of style? The only one of your reasons I can agree with is the Island expeditions.
As for Titan residuum, do you expect it to drop from 340 gear or what, did you even check the drop rates?!? It works properly.
“Missing NPC for faction assaults currency.” it works completly fine
As for the community: If you act like a retard, people will treat you like a retard, and even if it’s not your fault, toxic people can be found anywhere. ( if everyone who is toxic would be banned on every server, forum and website, you too would be banned 😛 )

5 years ago
Reply to  pjotr

what position do you hold at firestorm? can you provide a way to contact them directly?

Nathaniel Flint
Nathaniel Flint
5 years ago
Reply to  pjotr

Nazmir and Etherside just for example

4 years ago

Yeah, you named 2 other servers that actually have BFA, but Nazmir is dead and Etherside is worse copy of Firestorm tbh. At the moment there is no BFA server better then Firestorm, change my mind. I like how many people like to criticize Firestorm, but actually it’s the only playable BFA server. On the other hand I really agree with what AllanWhitesmith said about that they should script quests from bottom up and repair the scaling issue, but before WoWFreakz or someone else comes with better BFA we are stuck with Firestorm as a clear winner.

3 years ago
Reply to  Whan

best in the shit servers is still shit server. freakz and firestorm are on the same shitty level. they have the same bugs, they dont have true developers. they just emulate bfa and dont know how to fix game properly. they just one to grab money from naive who will donate that both thrash servers. I played bfa retail so i know that they are crap.

4 years ago

I found an other one Az’gath, it is french server…
I guess I will try it out when I will have some time for it, and write a review about it

5 years ago
Reply to  Samantha

npc Jeanne only gives 9 points a day not 12.but everything else you are saying is 100% bugs are 3 years old and have never been response form GM’s most of the time,and yes rude as hell and sorry we are aware there is a problem with this quest ,go do something else in another zone is common response when they do indeed announce crap from Firestorm every few minutes.the list goes on forever/yeah go to another realm as this is just plain rubbish

5 years ago

Best bfa private server, pre bfa content is very buggy but you can get free 110 on events from time to time. uldir completly scripted, BoD 2/3 scripted, war campaign scripted up to the BoD quest, 8.0 bfa zones scripted

4 years ago
Reply to  pjotr


4 years ago

Just don’t! This server has so many problems but good ideas and the staff is the worst.
I tried to contact them and after i told them the problems i have and they said “Idk, maybe is your fault” and then he blocked me, sure i tried again and the same thing happened.
Just don’t, please don’t do this to your self!

4 years ago

Website boasts upwards of 8k players online at 2:50pm on a Sunday (4/12/2020). Global chat is silent. Zones don’t load. Mobs that should be passive attack you. Dead mobs have attacked me. Some quests cannot be completed in all zones it seems. 20-30 minute dungeon queues despite high player numbers. Leveling seems to be easier for people who know the server and it’s extensive list of bugs. A year after launch and things don’t seem to be very progressed on this server. Not sure if 8.2 ever got launched as the install from the launcher is 8.0.

Not really sure if it’s worth your time. Honestly the best servers out right now are TBC servers.

2/5 rating from me – DKP rating system seems broken.

4 years ago

Worst server ever.
Everything is for sale here. Even first kill bosses and avoiding punishments for bug abuse.
Donated-testers guild first kill Jaina myth with huge bug abuse and admins says – its legit kill.
All who ask for video\logs or something else -got mutes and permabans.
So if you not a admin friedn – you just useless trash.
Please never play here.

4 years ago

First of all, As I see pjotr is an admin there, or a hardcore fan 😀
I wanted to try this expansion a year ago (I didn’t wanted retail) and I ended up on this server. At around april-may the server wasn’t at the state to even call it bugstorm (it was worse), so I quit. About 2 weeks ago I gave it a secound chance. Well I was suprised.
Most of the low level quests were working, it was looking good (I started on a x1 but switched to x10 as it is available now). While I was leveling up bug after bug came. Some quest givers just vanished in front of me, there were incompletable quests cause quest givers weren’t even around, or the neccesary mobs was coded bad (eg. White cubs in Stranglethorn instead of black panthers).
Cataclysm content kinda OK.
MoP content is non existant (found 5 working quests)
WoD content, garrisons? What are those? (Non existant)
Legion content, as far as I got not bad (doable if you like when mobs just randomly onehit you, but most quests are ok). BfA content… Well its good, only found 1 quest where I had to relog 5 times to complete it, and 1 where you need to blow a horn to buff soldiers (you have to do it 8 times, only one of the mobs is counted, and it is counted for 8…). I didn’t had the time for end game content, they might be full of bugs and exploits.
Overall, this would be a good server if the team behind it would start a weekly patch for quests starting from the bottom lvls going upwards, and with the endgame (so those who are lvling won’t get upset and those at the end also). The biggest problem which I found was with the scaling of the mobs. Till cataclysm is okay, but after that… They pack a punch. If you like lvling with mainly walking in and out from the grave its your server then 😀
Playerbase is decent, 9k people was the highest which I remember, mainly it is around at 3-6k. Chat is mixed, french, german, spanish yeah… Those guys could get a world chat their own. Also their behaviour isn’t the best around.
Bugtracker, kinda non existant, its there but no one reads them. Fix them? Nah, skip that quest, its not important.
Shop… Oh boy! You can even buy titles? Jokeing… Nope. See for yourself. Apart from these it is decent looking, but expensive (they have daily discounts, those might worth a penny or two)

TLDR; it definitly needs at least a weekly (or daily) maintenance in case of bugs (not new content), and atleast a few programmer to fix quests. Until that happens try other servers (MoP content Tauri, or Warmane).

4 years ago

I am no staff member, just playing on firestorm since the release of their bfa realm, coming from monster wow so I know how many things could have been worse.

4 years ago

Guess whos back, starting with this metaphor let’s jump back where I stopped.

Okay… Endcontent. Nazjatar is kinda OK, in my opinion the server instances are not quite working as intented (in my first visit to the place there was a mob with over 30million hp… I guess it should appear after the intro quests) Jaina questline is not scripted, one of the main reason I came. Dungeons have bugs, bosses are unkillable and those who should be friendly are red (Freehold bosses the 3 captains)
Older dungeons not working properly (raids also, tried a few of them, just for memories). GMs are ghosts… My friend was looking for a GM because the Wod intro quest chain bugged out for him. After 3 weeks waiting one gm arrived, and after 10 minutes of chatting he was back in the quest chain…

Also, I guess some higher up read my previous comment because the maintenances are started to happen, but it is still not enough. If you guys read this also, BUGTRACKER there are lot of bugs, if you are not solving them why is it there? There is so much potencial in this server… But all is wasted at the moment…

4 years ago

Not my type of server, I do insanely low DPS because the weapons have insanely low damage, 10 DPS at a one handed hammer at level 70.

4 years ago

If you found a server with better bfa content (I don’t care about leveling) please let me know. With details please, not just “this server is crap, anything is better, mommy buy me retail :CCCCC “

fck ur mom pjotr
fck ur mom pjotr
3 years ago
Reply to  pjotr

better playing old expansion with less bug than playing newest expansion with huge bug. only stupid people still defending that firestorm is better. i wouldnt spend my money on buggy server, better spend on retail u dumbass staff.

4 years ago

what is the realmlist??

4 years ago

Worst server.
EVERYTHING is bugged as fuck.
Go away, you won’t love this shit.

4 years ago

Many people offending this server down there in comments but this is not true.. Ofcourse there is couple of bugs on the server but it is not something bad that you can not play, for me only old content in game like WOTLK is bugged or WoD but this is mainly BFA so who care. This is not P2W, Firestorm is offering to buy same things like Blizzard (mounts, character boost, items) but if you dont wont to buy something, you can play as everyone else and get your gear from game content

3 years ago
Reply to  radego01

Couple??? i found so many bugs that its endless

4 years ago

Actually a nice server, things before BFA are bugged as hell, but BFA is more than playable. There are some major bugs but they dont affect the game as much as you would think. When I was searching for a BFA realm Firestorm had all the bad critics, but most of it ain’t true. The population is medium ( 5k is peak ) and there is a lack of tanks and healers on the server, so you should consider taking those roles if you start to play. Anyway try it out for yourselves.

4 years ago

So many bad things about this server:

1. Bugstorm:

It’s true, you can only enjoy the latest patch. Legion used to work pretty well, but when BfA came it became absolutely bugged. You can level perfectly, yes, but sometimes you can’t finish mission chains because the last mission of one is bugged and that’s really annoying. You grab 10 missions, only 5 work; x3 Exp rate doesn’t make you lose less time leveling, since missions don’t work the way they’re meant to: sometimes some kind of missions are scripted differently than how they’re suppossed to work, so they’re not 100% bugged but certainly make you lose a lot of time figuring them out.

2. Pay 2 Win:

Some mission chains and dungeons are bugged on purpose so you can only buy the rewards on their website. Obviously, if you want any of those items you need to pay them with real money. Also, if that’s not pay 2 win enough, you can buy loot boxes on their website containing equipment with high ilvl and, if that wasn’t bad enough, you can buy a character boost with pretty high ilvl (455 seems pretty high, don’t you think?)

3. Bad Staff:

So much corruption. GMs are the worst, they never help you unless they like you or something like that, and if they do… they go as far as to make an event to make YOU win, because they like you, of course. And if you try to fight for the prize you actually deserve, it’s better to shut up because… hey, they can delete your account any time they want, better not to mess with them.

4. So many missing things:

I know there’s a lot of people that doesn’t have the money to play on the official server, but at least try the Starter Pack. Shadowlands has a 60 lvl cap, and you can play 20 of them. At lvl 10 you can pretty much play on any patch you want. If you’re someone that plays or played Firestorm, I recommend you to try the original game at least for that 20 lvls. Someone who had to suffer the leveling will notice how much nice it is without bugs.

Also, for those who love Warcraft, there’re lots of details that Firestorm skips because it’s easier for them. WoD is SO bugged, I was 2 days leveling those 10 lvls, and then I tried it on the official server and it was SO nice… Firestorm messed it up so much. Same with Legion, even though it was a pretty estable patch they ommitted so many good things…

5. Conclusion:

I know some people don’t care about details and don’t care about following the story of the game. So, maybe, this server will work for you. However, you’ll have to deal with p2w stuff and… I don’t think it’s that worth it…

Imagine paying a pirate server instead of the official one.

3 years ago

Hello people,

To start off, I used to be a Dev at this server, yes believe it or not. It is up to you lads.
The experience on that server is terrible. Admins are anything but admins. Owner of the server goes by the name of Shelby and his friend Ouroboros are two greedy people ( Don’t get me wrong, i don’t care about the money).
Admins didn’t care about the scripts nor the quality. Devs are not that experienced, Shelby only wanted people coming from Russia since they are not paid with euros so it means more money for him.
Admins are way corrupted. They don’t care about the players only if they are close to them. I have seen corruption before but they are in a whole new level.
Initimate interactions with players (yes believe every word of that sentence).
Non justified bans.
Lots of E-girls in the staff with all due respect to women.
Many members in the staff are “Simps” or idk what you kids these day call it.
Qas not doing their job. Tests neglected. Corrupted players avoiding to report bugs as they should be in order to gain advantage in the game during release.
A pay to win server.
Admins selling glad mounts and chars for money on their paypal accounts.
Incompetent Game masters, well most of them at least ( many of them were below 18 years old people which is unacceptable)
Oh and yes. don’t try to justify to anyone tryharding to defend that server. They will twist your words and eventually getting you banned.

PS: I am not answering any comments to anyone trying to tell me to justify anything said in the above. I do not owe any explanation and will not do it. Again if you believe what i said you are welcome. This is unfortunately the truth. Otherwise, you are welcome to not like it aswell, I simply don’t care.

Have a good night everyone and like we say, we wish you a very good game on our servers hehe.

Best regards.

3 years ago

how to set realm on this guys? (Sethraliss)

Amine Mohamed
Amine Mohamed
3 years ago

100% retart stuff they will never respond to your ingame prob and lett you bugged for days

2 years ago

As an update, the server is still buggy AF. It’s not quite to “unplayable” levels, but it’s in sad, sad shape still.

In short, almost any quest which is not just a simple matter of “Kill X enemies” or “talk to Y NPC” or “gather Z drops from enemies” or something equally simple, will not work. And I really mean it being that simple, like ANY scripting at all is a no-go. Even basic things like “right click to interact on an NPC” are consistently broken across every zone I’ve been in. “Stand in specific location” has not ever worked, nor has anything like “drop an enemy below 50% hp”, they just keep attacking until they die.

This makes most questing zones awful. The Azshara zone is like over a 50% failure rate in quests in particular, and you’ll see such… interesting things like objects not even tagged properly, meaning inanimate objects like boxes you’re just supposed to destroy will slide along the ground to attack you for 0 damage as enemies.

While it’s technically possible that there are other servers that may be worse, the fact of the matter is that Sethraliss is just short of unplayable. The server population is consistently under 100 at this point, there is nil for low-level dungeons because there aren’t enough people willing to play through the broken leveling zones, and it’s just kind of awful in general.
I can’t comment on the management, only that there is clearly no interest in making the game run in anything remotely resembling a functional manner. I managed to slog my way through up to outland, and honestly… it’s just not worth it. It’s so ridiculously broken and half-hearted that there’s just no real incentive to waste more time even trying to reach the level cap or try any endgame content, because everything is in such a sad, sorry state as it is that it’s unreasonable to even think about making alts and having to go through that all over again.
The auction house is practically empty as well, so if you want anything like say… glyphs, whelp, too bad, you’re going to have to make an alt to make them yourself. Except we just covered how unappealing of an idea that is.
So, in short, don’t bother. Either play an earlier version on a more stable server, or go to Blizzard directly for anything more modern. This isn’t worth the effort of even trying in the state it’s in, and given it’s been like this for at least 3 years from the comments here, it’s not like you can hold out hoping it gets better, because it clearly won’t.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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