Posted by Sally Whitemane

Date: May 29, 2024

Categories: Announcements

Hey, everybody!

We are excited to bring you some fantastic news about a major client update that’s sure to enhance your experience on Whitemane’s Wrath of the Lich King realm.

Client Optimization

First off, we’ve optimized our client, reducing it from the original 17GB to a sleek 12GB, so it’s 30% smaller! By removing redundant files from Blizzard’s patching process, we’ve made our client more efficient and easier to manage.

New Interface Enhancements

You’ll also notice some exciting new interface enhancements. Informative splash screens will now appear to announce raid content starts, XP weekends, and more. If you’re curious, you can peek inside the MPQ file to see these screens yourself. Look out for messages welcoming you to Whitemane, as well as announcements for Tier 7, Tier 8, Tier 9, and Tier 10 content, Bonus Weekend notifications, and Whitemane+ expiration reminders.

Another feature worth mentioning is the ability to change your experience rate by right-clicking your XP bar. When it’s not at the default x5, the XP bar turns white. You’ll also get a detailed breakdown of your total XP by clicking XP Info in your XP bar dropdown.

Check out the new Whitemane tab in the AddOns section of the Interface menu. Here, you can adjust your Spell Queue, toggle PvP and Hardcore announcements. Additionally, if you’re playing in Hardcore mode, this will now be clearly indicated in your player tooltip, much like the GearScore addon.

We’ve added buffs like the Hardcore and Bonus Weekend that will appear on your buff bar, so you’ll always know when special bonuses are active.

Essential Patch Features

This patch is essential for unlocking Undead Paladins, Dwarf Shamans, and supporting new items and legendary questlines. It’s a quick update, only 60 megabytes, so updating will be quick and easy. We’ve updated all download links, and players without this patch will receive server messages reminding them to update.

New Achievements and Titles

We’re also introducing a host of new achievements and titles. Earn achievements for completing Timewalking raidsRealm First! Timewalkingnew legendaries, and more. Titles include Highlord for Realm First! Level 80 Paladin, Grand Apothecary for Realm First Grand Master Alchemist, Stonebreaker for Realm First Grand Master Miner, Ember Lord for Realm First! Timewalking: Molten Core, The Lightbringer for Realm First Fall of the Lich King, and various new titles for Challenge Modes like Cryptlord for the fastest Naxxramas raid, Starweaver for the fastest Eye of Eternity raid, and Twilight’s Bane for the fastest Obsidian Sanctum raid.

We’ve also made some classic titles obtainable again, such as Hand of A’dal and Champion of the Naaru. Plus, expect reworked PvP quests from The Burning Crusade and Vanilla, now tailored for maximum level characters, giving you more options to play with. They will not be available at launch, but rather rolled out later.

Bonus Weekends

And here’s some exciting news: save for the launch weekend, every weekend on Frostmourne will be a free Bonus Weekend.

Translation and Accessibility

One of the most time-consuming aspects of this update was translating the patch. Every single addition needed to be translated, with extensive research on Wowhead to learn the original names, and then playtested to ensure accuracy. This took a considerable amount of time, but we’re thrilled to announce full support for English, Spanish, Chinese, and Russian clients. We believe we might be the first server in the world to expand new content to so many languages.


Full Game Client, Patched (12GB!): 🇬🇧English ・🇪🇸Spanish・🇷🇺Russian・🇨🇳Chinese

Standalone Patch for your WotLK: 🇬🇧English Patch ・🇪🇸Spanish Patch・🇷🇺Russian Patch・🇨🇳Chinese Patch

How-to: Full client: unpack the ZIP and play! Patch: move contents of ZIP folder to your WoW: WotLK folder, replace all files when prompted, and play!

If your patch is correctly installed, you should see the build version from May 24 2024 [Whitemane]

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