Warmane to remove 50% of gold from all realms on February 17

Posted by Furious

Date: January 19, 2019

Categories: Private Servers

Warmane will be performing a gold squish for all of their realms on February 17th, removing 50% of all gold including character gold, banks, etc.

Here is the full announcement.

Greetings Warmane community,

Beginning this year we’ve done a gold squish, cutting 50% of all gold across all systems, characters, storage and such. This brought out great results in our analysis and we believe doing it on a yearly basis benefits the economy greatly.

With all of this in mind, we have concluded that all realms will receive a gold squish of 50% on February 17, 2019 giving players, once again, our usual warning and plenty of time to use up their reserves before we commence the adjustment of the economy.

What this means is every piece of gold that exists in circulation, be it in the character’s inventory, mailbox, guild bank, website trading system or otherwise, will be simply halved. Exactly as it was done last year too.

Kind regards,

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5 years ago

was gona play till i read this fuck off loz pffft

5 years ago
Reply to  Darkbolt


5 years ago

you know it would just be easyer to just set a cap in ah for items so they do not put them in way to much like it is most of the time instead u guys have the dumb idea lets take away half of there earned gold just dumb guys there far better ways to control the econ other then just taking from the players get that guys never do things that take away from players that earned it that will never win u any friends

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