Vengeance WoW opens up instant 70 / instant 58 on Stonetalon


Hopefully everyone is enjoying the new year so far, and today we have some news great news to share with you!

Here at VengeanceWoW, we are constantly working hard to deliver the best TBC experience for everyone to enjoy, by being the official CMaNGOS TBC maintainers and pushing hard on open source development. And as such, we are now taking a step forward.

As of this moment, Instant-70 feature is live and usable by everyone.

Click here for Instant 70 / Instant 58 Guide

This is to encourage everyone to check out our development realm – Stonetalon, and you can use this opportunity to test Black Temple and perhaps even settle down. It is not too late to join, since our progression for that realm is still not over.

There is a saying, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

We highly encourage reporting any bugs you might encounter. Not only will this help smooth the experience for everyone rolling on the fresh realm in the future (Stormspire, coming summer 2019), but also by reporting bugs on VengeanceWoW, you are actually helping in a bigger way. The fixes to the bugs you help to uncover will be exported to open source for all to use. We believe that not only is this the right way, but the only way to actually improve the private server scene as a whole.

As always, anyone who wants to help with CMaNGOS development is welcome to join our Discord – VengeanceWoW Discord

If you have any questions regarding Instant 70 feature, open source development or anything alike, feel free to contact us by using the Discord link above.

– VengeanceWoW Team

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