[Unlimited] 2v2 Event – 14th of March 2020


1. The event will be hosted on Saturday the 14th of March at 8pm realm time.
14 teams max.
3a. The teams will be comprised of 2 players of any composition,
pre-made teams are the priority invites (If you want a guaranteed spot then enter a comment with yours and your partners’ in-game character name).
3b. If we do not meet the max teams in pre-registering you can show up on time alone (assigned random partner if we have a few people without one) or with a team-mate as we are starting invites: first come first serve.
4. It will be an elimination style match, if you lose, you’re out for good!
5. The event will be announced at 8 pm realm time and invites will start. The meeting place shall be at Gurubashi Arena to ensure all players are following the rules in relation to gear and the teams are sorted.
6. To enter, comment on the thread the names of the character you and your partner will use in the 2’s event. If you are not online as we begin invites at 8 pm realm time, your spot will be given to other players.


1st place: 2,500 battleground tokens, 4,000 shinies, 1 free season 4 piece (Your choice), 6,000 arena points, 40,000 honor points.
2nd place: 1,500 battleground tokens, 3,000 shinies, 3,750 arena points, 30,000 honor points.
3rd place: 1,000 battleground tokens, 2,000 shinies, 2,625 arena points, 20,000 honor points.
Participation: 250 battleground tokens, 1,000 shinies, 1,500 arena points, 10,000 honor points.


1. Only season 2 gear will be allowed in the event. No donor gear, no voter gear, no voter/donor buffs, no professional items/engineering enchants which you cannot use inside of normal arena queues.
2. Only class buffs will be permitted for you and your teammate, no elixirs or flasks.
3. Titan’s Grip and Dual Wield will be allowed.
4. Normal gems only, none of the gems from the shiny vendor/donor vendor or t6. E.g. 1200 spell power gem.
5. Ground mounts ONLY! Any flying mount used while participating in the arena will result in your immediate elimination.
6. Any effort made to interfere in the 2’s event in any fashion will result in an immediate punishment.
We had a great time seeing you all enjoying the event on Monday and decided to give some people who missed out a chance to take part!

Event available until Monday 16.03.2020

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