Turtle WoW is looking for community feedback to help with the population

Posted by Furious

Date: October 28, 2018

Categories: Private Servers

Greetings, my beloved turtles!

It’s been 3 blissful weeks since we launched our cozy little realm – and we hope you’re enjoying the rush and stress free gameplay!

However, we would like to talk to our playerbase and ask for your feedback on the current situation. We haven’t received any complaints, but the numbers speak for themselves:

Almost 8000 characters have been created, yet fewer than 500 have reached level 20.

We must ask — have we made things too slow?

During our advertising campaign we recorded 300,000 players interested in Vanilla, yet many players stopped playing within an hour, and several people have mentioned that the low rates and lack of cross-faction interaction as the reason for not wanting to play.

Although our goal here isn’t about having the greatest population, these numbers are indicative of a potential long term problem. Those who have stuck with us since the beginning; we won’t take any action if you don’t want us to.

However we must decide what to do next — what would you suggest as a possible solution?

Once we’ve settled on a solution, we’ll consider emailing those who stopped playing within a short timeframe and see if they’ll give us another chance.

After some internal discussion, here are some of the ideas we’d like to present:

  • Normalized XP rates, for example, slightly increased rates for quest and/or kill XP
  • Increased honor gain / reduced decay.
  • Keep things the same as they are now!

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, so please let us know as soon as possible!

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6 years ago

well the problem like you mention is the lack of population , you realize you can’t do any dungeons ever with 100 ppl online ! h/a – ppl come and try the serv ..make 20 lvl ..then they realize “well is boring to play alone ” bcz it is ! .what do I suggest is promote the serv more ! ads /etc get more ppl on the serv …and then ppl will decide to leave or stay , but I’m quite positive that ppl will stay if you have a person next to you who is questing along ! –

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