Sheilun – The Mists of Pandaria Realm

Posted by Zackiff

Date: November 21, 2024

Categories: Announcements

We’ve heard your requests to merge Mistblade 1 and Mistblade 2 so that your strong, seasoned characters can team up with your newer but equally cherished ones. We understand the appeal of this option for catching up, but we’ve also been concerned that the novelty might wear off quickly once players realize they’re mostly clearing heroics with well-geared Mistblade 1 characters that don’t necessarily need more progression. Additionally, we’ve received feedback that MB2 progression, particularly for alts, felt repetitive and challenging to grind through multiple times. In light of this, we’ve been brainstorming ways to enhance the experience, especially for when the initial excitement of the merge subsides.

We’re particularly excited to introduce fresh, custom progression mechanics that we wanted to roll out as soon as possible. However, we acknowledge that many of you felt the timeline was a bit rushed.

After internal discussions, we’ve extended the merged Mistblade by three weeks, accommodating your feedback while keeping our schedule on track. Our focus for next year will be on Legion development, which means Sheilun will be the final fresh MoP launch for the foreseeable future. After Sheilun completes its content cycle (with approximately 4–5 months per content phase), it will merge into Mistblade. After some preparation and pre-patches, Mistblade will then transition to Legion. In true progression-to-expansion (PTE) spirit, this means you’ll keep everything you’ve earned on all your characters.

Our goal is for you to enjoy one more MoP run, complete with new quality-of-life (QoL) features, before we all move on to the fel-greener pastures of Legion, though we may revisit MoP in the future if the interest is there. Below, we’ve outlined some key QoL improvements we’ve planned.

🌌 **December 18 – Sheilun** 🌌

The release of FRESH Mistblade 3 server (called Sheilun), cloaked in mystery and new power, with new enhancements available:

– Custom quests invite new PvE champions into strange lands.
– Legendary pursuits will now echo across the realm.
– Raid challenges have reached new, formidable heights.
– Loot rewards hint at unexpected bonuses.
– Motes and Spirits of Harmony will now be unbound.
– Fresh ways to empower alts and aid progression.
– PvP quests emerge, along with an elusive range of items for the keen-eyed.
– The Conqueror Challenge strengthens, Solo Queue intensifies, and season rewards take on a more competitive edge.
– Battleground matchmaking now balanced for strategic advantage.

Ancient quests reawaken, experience and professions reach new heights, and the mysterious awaits in **Sheilun**, an era like no other!

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3 months ago

Stormforge is literally the best mop server out there, I’m glad theres a new realm coming out, it will be rly fun letssgoo

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