Project WoWCircle | Fresh Cataclysm Server | 4.3.4 | x5 Rates | 30.11.2019 at 16:00 GMT

Posted by WoWCircle

Date: November 26, 2019

Categories: Announcements

After analyzing the situation with Cataclysm servers, we came up to decision to try opening new realm, that should return and put fans of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm together, and even more – give someone a chance to rediscover it.

Many players missed this expansion or saw not the best workability of it.During last half of a year we worked actively (and proceed working) with 4.3.4 Cataclysm core and database, paid much attention to blizzlike fixes of NPC/quests/spells/dungeons, more than a thousand bugs have been fixed during these months. And now finally we are ready to announce new 4.3.4 x5 realm, based at Logon WoWCircle with completely new level of workability compared to the old one.

In return we hope for your help in spreading the information about realm opening through your friends in social networks.

Promo page:

Details of realm opening and its features:

  • Opening date: 30.11.2019 at 16:00 GMT.

  • Rates: x5 for experience, x2 or all the rest.

  • Stable and maximally workable core and database, you will see it for yourself.

  • Separate large development team.

  • Extensive advertising campaign is planned.

  • Realm type will be set to PvE during first weeks, that will allow you to level up with comfort, later a poll will take place to define the final type.

  • Cross server with current x100, Fun and our Firestorm partners is not planned initially, later this issue will be raised for discussion (if needed).

  • Gradual content discovery will be implemented, the followings will be unavailable from the start: Zul’Aman, Zul’Gurub, Firelands, Dragon Soul and A10 accordingly.

Modifications (custom):

  • Interfactional BG – quick battleground search, no queues and premade groups.

  • PvP zone in Azshara Crater – a place, where you can relax and show who’s the boss.

  • SoloQ 1-1 and 3-3 – you can now conquer arena without a team.

  • Arena Spectator – view arena games.

  • NPC with unique transmogrification – items, you can’t get in a game are available – pure visual bliss.

  • Interactive menu (.menu) – lots of features in one place.

  • Multifunctional NPC for ingame issues solution and more.

  • Extended transmogrification.

  • Manual rate change by .xp rate command, from 1 to 5 – if you want hardcore just type .xp rate 1 and play x1.

Gradual content opening dates:

– 12.01.20 we will open Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub.- 03.03.20 we will open Firelands and add A10.- 22.04.20 we will open Dragon Soul.

All the game content will be opened during 4-5 months, but considering the progress terms can be either increased or decreased.


We expect to see more than 4000 players at the start, like in old good times with cataclysm realms peak, we plan to hold players interest by qualitative work as long as possible. Anyhow, we will be happy to see any outcome: opening realms based on old expansions is very rare now, especially qualitative cataclysm, that is why, I think everyone will be happy to play on this expansion. It will be pleasant memories for someone, and something new for others.

We are waiting you at the start: 30.11.2019 at 16:00 GMT.

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