Plaguewood – Progressive Vanilla to WOTLK 3.3.5a

Posted by silvermcd123

Date: April 14, 2020

Categories: Announcements
realmlist: set realmlist
client: 3.3.5a

Experience the opening of Ahn’Qiraj, invade and conquer the Black Temple and stop the Lich King before he dominates Azeroth.
Plaguewood is a progressive server that emulates blizzard’s patching system, so you can enjoy all World of Warcraft content from Vanilla to WOTLK.

Main Features:
– Vanilla 40man raids changed to 25man, and 20man to 10man.
– Overall player damage, healing, absorbs and pet damage reduced in order to give older content an appropriate challenge.
– Talents unlocked according to your level, meaning you can reach the final talent ability in a talent tree of your choice with 51 points available at level 60, 61 at level 70 and finally 71 at level 80.
– Dungeon finder enabled starting at level 15, and works even after level 58 for classic dungeons during Vanilla.
– Patches usually last between 30-90 days however they may be accelerated or delayed depending on server progression.
– Old raids and bosses that have been removed from WOTLK client/server have been brought back (Vanilla Onyxia/Naxxramas, Lord Kazzak), without the need for client modifications. (The level 80 raids are restored once the server progresses to WOTLK)
– Raids and Dungeons require their original attunements.
– Deprecated quests have been made available for their respective patches.
– Arena Seasons are implemented in the same way they worked on blizzard (with titles and mounts). We’ve also added 2 custom arena seasons for Vanilla. Arena points flush happens every 3 days instead of 7, to compensate for shorter patch schedules.
– Custom PVP progression system while in Vanilla phase. We’ve put together all the items sold by Battleground vendors, rebalanced their costs, and made them require WSG/AB reputation on top of pvp currencies, based on item slot.
You’ll be able to purchase an upgrade every time you reach a new level of reputation with a faction (Friendly -> Honored -> Revered -> Exalted).
Both reputations will be required in order to obtain a full set, to encourage people to queue Battlegrounds. The best items (Epics) will also require Arena Rating and Points.
The items are grouped as follows:
Head, Neck, Back, Chest, Boots, Rings and Off-Hands —> Warsong Gulch
Shoulder, Wrist, Hands, Waist, Legs, Trinkets and Weapons —> Arathi Basin
These vendors can be found in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. There will be an NPC explaining in detail how this system works.
– Resilience added to Vanilla PVP sets and items.
– Some Vanilla sets have had their class requirements changed (for example, Warrior sets can be used by Paladins and Death Knights, so they can tank properly).
– Implemented old events done by blizzard like AQ War Effort and Scourge Invasion.
– WOTLK emblems are obtained depending on your personal progression (that means that if you never did Ulduar you can only obtain Emblems of Heroism from RDF and quests).
– Dual Spec is available in every expansion.
– Jewelcrafting is available in TBC.
– Inscription is available in WOTLK.
– Titles like “Champion of Naaru” have been enabled if players completed the required quests during their specific patches.
– Vanilla PvP titles have been added back.
– Some achievements are locked to their expansions (for example, if you complete Naxxramas on Vanilla you won’t receive the WOTLK achievements).
– A token system to encourage people to queue RDF. What we did is replace the Satchel of Helpful Goods (the level 55 version) with 2 Necrotic Runes as a reward for completing a dungeon, because some of the items it gave were superior to dungeon loot and that didn’t fit with our progression goals. They also drop from raid bosses. These tokens can be used to purchase previous tier gear and items from a vendor located in Orgrimmar and Stormwind. New items will be added to this system as the server progresses.
– Dungeon and Raid Progression System. It’s a feature we’ve added that shows how many dungeon and raid bosses you have killed.

Other notable changes:
– Blood Elves and Draenei available in every expansion.
– Death Knights available in every expansion. You will need a level 55 character before you can create a Death Knight.
– Custom channel (World channel, that is factionless).
– Faction channels (Horde/Alliance)
– Crossfaction Battlegrounds.
– Crossfaction Groups and Raids.
– Crossfaction Auction House.
– Crossfaction Dungeon Finder.
– Auto Spell Learner so that visiting a class trainer is not required to learn new spells.
– Weekends award 25% extra Experience.
– Track your personal progression score (use .progression status).
– Track your guild progression score (use .progression gstatus).
– Track Battleground statistics (use .pvp)
– Realm firsts for every raid (with rewards, mostly unobtainable, non-gamebreaking items).
– Starting Battlegrounds: WSG, AB, AV.
– Starting Arenas: Nagrand Arena, Blade’s Edge Arena.
– Transmogrification
Check our changelog:

Patch Schedule (not set in stone):
– 1.3.0 (Raids: MC/Onyxia | Season 0 (Lieutenant Commander/Champion sets available) | 60 Days)
– 1.6.0 (Raids: Blackwing Lair | Season 0 (Lieutenant Commander/Champion sets available) | 60 Days)
– 1.7.0 (Raids: Zul’Gurub | Season 0.5 (Lieutenant Commander/Champion sets available) | 30 Days)
– 1.9.0 (Raids: Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj/Temple of Ahn’Qiraj | Season 0.5 (Field Marshal/Warlord sets available) | 90 Days)
– 1.11.0 (Raids: Naxxramas | Season 0.5 (Field Marshal/Warlord sets available) | 60 Days) CURRENT
– 2.0.3 (Raids: Karazhan/Gruul’s Lair/Magtheridon’s Lair | Season 1 | 60 Days)
– 2.0.5 (Raids: Serpentshrine Cavern | Season 2 | 60 Days)
– 2.0.7 (Raids: The Eye | Season 2 | 60 Days)
– 2.0.9 (Raids: Battle for Mount Hyjal | Season 3 | 60 Days)
– 2.1.0 (Raids: The Black Temple | Season 3 | 60 Days)
– 2.3.0 (Raids: Zul’Aman | Season 4 | 60 Days)
– 2.4.0 (Raids: Sunwell Plateau | Season 4 | 60 Days)
– 3.0.0 (Raids: Naxxramas/The Eye of Eternity/Obsidian Sanctum | Season 5 | 60 Days)
– 3.1.0 (Raids: Ulduar | Season 6 | 60 Days)
– 3.2.0 (Raids: The Crusaders’ Coliseum | Season 7 | 60 Days)
– 3.2.2 (Raids: Onyxia | Season 7 | 60 Days)
– 3.3.2 (Raids: Icecrown Citadel | Season 8 | 60 Days)
– 3.3.5 (Raids: Ruby Sanctum | Season 8 | 60 Days)

Extra info:
– Server is not pay to win (we only sell mounts, companions, bags and cosmetics). We will never sell gear or gold.
– You can vote for our server.
– You can buy from our shop. (using votes or credits)
– We have an Armory.
– We have a ranking list with Top Killers, Top Achievers, Top Progression Players/Guilds, and Arena Seasons.
– Kill announcer, whenever a party defeats a boss.
– Realm firsts are visible on our page.

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