Pandaria x5 Hardcore

Posted by blackmanos

Date: January 19, 2024

Categories: Announcements

We are announcing the launch of the new realm of Pandaria x5, which will take place on January 19, 2024 at 19:00

Information about the world:

  • Opening date: 01/19/2024 at 19.00 MSK.
  • Rates: x5 for experience, item drop chance, reputation, etc. – x1.
  • Type of game world: PvP (the first two days PvE mode).
  • CD for raids: 1 week, CD reset on Wednesdays.
  • The Horde and The Alliance factions will be merged;
  • A new “Hardcore” game mode has been implemented;
  • The players abilities work as on 5.4.8;

Information about opening content:

  • From the first day of launch, the following dungeons will be available: Temple of the Jade Serpent, Stormstout Brewery, Shado-Pan Monastery, Gate of the Setting Sun, Scholomance, Scarlet Halls, Scarlet Monastery, Mogu’shan Palace, Siege of Niuzao Temple
  • The following scenarios will be available from the first day of launch: Greenstone Village, Unga Ingoo, Crypt of Forgotten Kings, Arena of Annihilation, A Brewing Storm,Theramore’s Fall
  • On January 24th, the Mogu’shan Vaults raid will open on normal difficulty, and Season 1 of the arena will begin.
  • On January 31st,, the Mogu’shan Vaults raid on Heroic difficulty will be available.
  • On February 14th, Heart of Fear raids will open on normal difficulty.
  • On February 21st, the Heart of Fear raid on Heroic difficulty will be available.
  • On March 7th, Terrace of Endless Spring raids will open on normal difficulty.
  • On March 14th, Terrace of Endless Spring raid will be available in Heroic difficulty.

Some additional information:

  • Realm x5 will run on a new kernel, which is based on the Legion kernel.
  • The work of game characters’ abilities corresponds to patch 5.4.8.
  • Since the core is common with the legion, development is carried out by a joint team of developers of two addons at once, which speeds up the implementation of content.
  • Raids of the add-on by a joint team of testers and developers were brought to the level of performance that was on the official
  • The dungeons of the add-on have been rescripted and all found errors have been corrected (new errors will also be corrected, they are not perfect yet)
  • The rework of quests in Pandaria locations has been completed, all found errors have been corrected (new errors will also be corrected, they are not perfect yet)
  • The donation vendors will be removed from the game at the first 3 days after the opening of realm;

For the duration of the promotion to get the first 90 levels:

  • Some bonus auras will be disabled, which give an advantage in leveling;
  • You should take into account that in some starting locations (for DK, worgen, goblins, pandaren and some others) the rates for experience before leaving the locations are x1, this is necessary for the correct completion of tasks, otherwise players will not be able to get out of them ( this condition works permanently).


  • The first player to reach level 90 will receive 5000 bonuses;
  • The first player to reach level 90 in their class will receive 1000 bonuses;
  • The first player to reach level 90 in their race will receive 1000 bonuses;
  • The first player to reach level 90 in “Hardcore” mode will receive 10,000 bonuses;
  • The first player to reach level 90 in “Hardcore” mode in their class will receive 3000 bonuses;
  • The first player to reach level 90 in the “Hardcore” mode in their race will receive 3000 bonuses;
  • A week after the start of the server (26.01.24 23.59 GMT), characters with a total online time of 72 or more hours will receive 500 tokens each (they must be level 90).
  • The first raid group to defeat all bosses in Heroic difficulty for 25 people in all three raids of Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring will receive – 100,000 bonuses (for the whole raid)​.
  • The second raid group to defeat all bosses in Heroic difficulty for 25 people in all three raids of Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring will receive – 50,000 bonuses (for the entire raid)​.
  • Third raid group to defeat all Heroic bosses for 25 people in all three raids of Mogu’shan Vaults, Heart of Fear, Terrace of Endless Spring will receive – 25000 bonuses (for the whole raid).


  • You can choose an hardcore game mode only on the first level;
  • Premium bonuses are disabled;
  • Heirlooms are disabled;
  • The in-game store is disabled;
  • The “Reincarnation” of shamans and the “Soul Stone” of Warlocks are disabled;
  • The auction is disabled;
  • Mail is disabled;
  • Duels are disabled;
  • Guild bonuses are disabled;
  • Guild Bank is disabled;
  • Guild repair is disabled;
  • You can join groups only with players participating in the same challenge and with character difference of no greater than 5 levels;
  • You can trade only with players participating in the same challenge;
  • Battlegrounds is disabled;
  • Arena is disabled;
  • Skirmishes is disabled;
  • Raids and dungeons are available;
  • The “Dungeon Finder” system is disabled;
  • The “Raid Finder” system is disabled;
  • The system of “Pre-made groups” is disabled;
  • You can use spells only on players participating in the same challenge;
  • XP rate is set to x1 and no modifiers can be applied;
  • PvP in the open world is completely disabled;
  • We planned to introduce a system of seasons with awards in each season;
  • You can enable this mode only on 1st level characters, which means that, unfortunately, the DK class will not be able to participate

Some questions and answers:
The kernel is new and now there are no bugs on it?
Answer: Alas, this is not so, the server is pirated and the presence of bugs to one degree or another will still be present.
So we are not able to fix absolutely all the bugs with our small team of developers.
BUT we are trying to fix bugs as much as possible, paying special attention to critical flaws, so that players have the most comfortable time in the game.
The kernel is new now and now there will be no server crashes?
Answer: It is no longer new; in a year of work, a huge number of server crashes and errors have been fixed. But falls are still possible.
What kind of online will it be at the start?
Answer: Unfortunately, we do not have the gift of foresight, and therefore we do not know! And we won’t lie with the numbers.
Why did the launch of the last Pandaria realm fail, will this one fail too?
Answer: During the last launch of the Pandaria realm, we made mistakes in administering the Pandaria content testing system, which resulted in unreliable data on its operation and a premature start.
To correct this error, the head of the testing department was changed, the methods for checking content were also changed, and the staff of the testing department was also increased.
Over the past year, we have done a lot of work to improve the performance of Pandaria content.

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