– Open Doors Evening #1

Hey guys! We’ve got a little gathering planned for Saturday!

What we’ll do:

Test out a few raid encounters to make sure there aren’t any bugs. (and fix them all in advance of server launch if we do find any) Film encounters to create short promotional videos showcasing our content. Give a few lucky players a chance to get a feel of how the server is working, and provide feedback on what they enjoyed or would like to see an improvement on.

What we need:

25 people to fill out a raid roster. (3 tanks, 5 healers, 17 damage dealers) Availability to take part in the event on Saturday from 6:00 PM until 8:00PM GMT + 1. General knowledge of how raid encounters in Wrath of the Lich King work (learning resources will be provided if requested, but we will pick those most familiar with the tactics!) People comfortable with the class and role they bring to the testing. The filming will take approximately 2 hours, and there will be a little time before and after to run around and explore the server. Feel free to test anything you feel is important to have working!

If you’re interested in joining, complete the form below and we’ll contact you with further instructions:

There’s only 10 spots left, but fear not! If you can’t make it into the raid, the server is still open for you to explore and test things out! We’ll have more technical details ready within the next few days.

If you want to stay updated on our progress, head to our website at You can also join our Discord or forum if you have any questions (links at the top of our website)

Thanks for reading all the way through and see you on Saturday!

The OmegaWoW Staff.

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