NRG-Wow fresh Cataclysm server now accepting character transfers!!

Posted by Wilcalaf

Date: August 15, 2018

Categories: Private Servers

Want to move to NRG-Wow but cant stand leveling all over again?

No problem, NRG-Wow has opened character migration!


The migration request will be done by filling the form here (need to be logged in. if you dont have an account yet, register here

After you have succesfully posted a migration request on the page a GM will verify it and approve/disapprove depending on the application.  Be sure to check the page every now and then to see if your request has been approved

Please note that since the server is progressive and content is locked. the migrations wont be character clone but just a template
that you will be able to use on a recently created character to boost him to level 85 and get with it the following:


  • Blue gear around ilvl 333.
  • Apprentice, Journeyman and expert riding
  • Cold weather flying and Flight master’s License.
  • x4 Netherweave bag
  • 10k Gold.
  • Bronze Drake mount

Given the fact that the migration is not a clone of the character but just a premade template, you wont have to delete your character in your old server, just verificate it.


The migrations are limited to only 1 character per person, and it will come in form of a purchase item on store that you can apply to any existing character you might have here regardless of race and/or class.

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