Seasonal Realm Release – Friday 23rd June 7PM CET

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Date: June 20, 2023

Categories: Announcements

The Seasonal Realm will open on Friday 23rd June 2023 at 6PM BST / Server Time / 7PM CET ( Europe ) / 12PM CENTRAL

Watch our full server overview:

The best mix between a Blizzlike WoTLK and a Custom Server is going
Seasonal From June 2023! – We’ll Be Back Soon!

We have decided to reset the Northrend Realm. Our last reset, which took place a year and a half ago now, allowed us to make a ton of changes and improvements to the server, but we believe that now, many of our players have reached the end of progression for a while, and are looking for their next challenge.

That said, this won’t just be another reset ! This time, we’re shaking things up and going seasonal, overhauling and improving on pretty much every single aspect of our server in the process, and we fully intend to raise the bar with every new season we’ll make going forward !

We expect Phases to be between 3-5 Weeks long depending on the content/progression of the realm and expect Seasons to last 6-7 Months. We are of course very open to changing those numbers based on the feedback we receive along the way, and shape the server to become the most enjoyable experience for our players!

Our first season is called Season of The Scourge and you can check it’s Roadmap here:

Server Features

• Soloable content (up to ICC10 when released), including scaling raids for legacy content.

• Modified Flexible Raiding System with mechanics that change on player count.

• Mythic+ Dungeon System similar to Retail.

• Mythic+ Raids

• Mounts & Transmog downported from Retail, did someone say LONGBOI??

• Travel back In Time and Kill TBC / Classic raids scaled to ICC 25 Level (with 5+ players inside)

• Custom Reforging, Warforging & Transmog System.

• Casual options for Gearing.

• New Profession Leveling System.

• Account-wide Ways to Gear Your Alts.

• Custom 1v1 Arenas.

• Instant 80.

• Everything is Crossfaction.

On top of all the raiding content, our new Mythic+ system is the perfect way to experience WoTLK like you never have before. With multiple dungeons to try out, the possibilities of ways to enjoy the content has never been higher.

So why should you play?

Northrend has been around for about 4 years and is constantly evolving.

Do you just enjoy the raids in WOTLK, and don’t really feel like leveling?

This is the server for you.

You want to level your character to be able to get the full WOTLK Experience?

Well, the server is for you.

You want to do 60/70 content by yourself or with a group of friends?

I think you know what we’re about to say next.

Minimal bugs as the base Core is Powered by Azerothcore, the best open-source core! Website, Discord and Servers are under active development, some things may be subject to change.



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