Netherdrake TBC

Posted by Netherdrake

Date: August 7, 2022

Categories: Private Servers

Dear people of Azeroth,
We are very excited to present you a project we have been working on for a while now.

A TBC server with a semi-custom/blizzlike progressive experience, where nostalgia, adventures, allies and enemies will be an important part of your journey through the World of Warcraft.
We are still in development so the release phase will start as an Alpha version, where you can help us to further improve the immersive experience we are planning.

 The release will be with the Last patch of TBC 2.4.3 so we will be progressing the story and advanced content to completion. The length of time we will stay on each (Locked dungeons and raids) is still undefined and will be announced at a later date.

Welcome to our new experience and know that the Netherdrake family will always be attentive to the suggestions and changes that the community recommends.

PRE-REGISTER now and get access to unique benefits, we will also have the recruitment program, where if you refer a friend you both will receive an experience bonus if you play together and a special gift.

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