Kronos: Naxxramas Release Date & K1/K3 Merge

Posted by Arthas

Date: May 21, 2019

Categories: Announcements

Naxxramas will be released on June 2nd 19:00 Server Time.
Also Kronos I and Kronos III will be merged. The merge itself is scheduled around the third quarter of 2019. More details to be revealed later.

Dear players,

The day has come and Kel’Thuzad has returned.

Due to his war against the Scarlet Crusade, the Argent Dawn, the Forsaken and the humans of the Alliance, as well as recent successful incursions of adventurers from every race and nation into the Scourge-controlled Plaguelands on a daily basis, the forces of Kel’Thuzad have been severely taxed to maintain the security of the necropolis.

But now the gates of Naxxramas are about to open, and Kel’Thuzad’s new forces are rapidly sweeping away all opposition to the Scourge.

Gather your trusted companions for the incursion of the necropolis

Naxxramas awaits you on Kronos III
June 2nd 19:00 Server Time


World buffs will be enabled on the 3rd of July.


As for future plans, our next step is the merge of Kronos I and Kronos III. The merge itself is scheduled around the third quarter of 2019. More details to be revealed later.

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