Felsong+ is coming on March 17th 2025!


Posted by Felsong.gg

Date: March 15, 2025

Categories: Announcements

We are happy to announce our Felsong Plus x10 realm, releasing on MARCH 17TH 2025! Yes, that’s in less than a week from now!

While most of you have probably seen our roadmap already, we are now ready to share a lot more details about this upcoming, uniquely refined Legion+ experience, filled to the brim with alt-friendly settings as well as a ton of quality of life features to make your Legion journey much more enjoyable!

XP rate: 10x
Starting level: 98 (660 ilvl)
Reputation rate: 2x
Greatly buffed War-/Titanforge and Tertiary stat proc chances

Key features

– Account-wide Artifact Power: ALL of your characters will have the same amount of AP earned on ALL their Artifact weapons. Including characters you create weeks or even months later! Maintaining alts has never been easier in Legion ever before!

– Instant-cast Artifact Power tokens – Because who wants to sit there clicking multiple AP tokens and waiting 1.5 seconds for each one after finishing their dungeons or world quest routines? Time-waste be gone!

– All random drop Legendaries available from the start: All patch 7.1.5 and 7.2 legendaries are in the drop pool from day one. The only exclusions are 7.2/7.3 quest-specific legendaries, as well the 7.2 crafted legendaries. These will be available in their respective patches by doing the respective content.

– Wakening Essence & Legendary vendor from day 1: Wakening Essences are added into the game from the start, including the option to purchase legendaries of your choice for 2000 Wakening Essences! Of course, for everyone who enjoys the gambling thrill, you may also choose to buy a randomized legendary for the usual 1000 Essences!

– Class tuning: We have fine-tuned some under-performing classes for PvE content. Some specs were severely lacking behind in Mythic+, while others desperately needed some help in single-target situations. You can find out more about the class-tuning that will be available on release down below. Please note that class tuning is a continuous effort and we may continue to make changes as we see fit during this realm’s progression!

– Allied Races unlocked and available for free: We understand that these races are very popular and that people want access to them sooner than at the end of the expansion, therefore all Allied Races are unlocked for everyone by default from day one – enjoy!

– Legion Flying unlocked for everyone: Turns out you don’t need to be a Pathfinder to fly after all, in the year 2025 the Broken Isles are known well enough to allow everyone to fly regardless of their experience with the areas! On a side note, every character you make starts with maximum (fastest) flying skill learned automatically!

Third relic unlocked at level 110 from the start: On a 10x XP rates realm designed to be alt friendly, we feel like it’s very alt-unfriendly to require you to complete your class campaign to unlock your third relic slot, so we have decided to automatically unlock it for every 110 character by default!

– Mythic Flex available for all raids: Our Mythic Flex system (allowing you to tackle the challenge of Mythic raids with any number of players ranging from 10 to 20) will be present on Felsong Plus x10 from the start, all raids have been fine-tuned to work with a scaling number of players on Mythic difficulty while preserving the challenges that make Mythic as challenging as it is.

  • 1 Tank
  • 2 Healers
  • 6 DPS

This is what’s required for the queue to pop – additional players (up to 25 total) will still be able to enter by queueing for the same LFR wing!

– New Mythic+ gear vendor: Earn Echoes of Time by completing Mythic+ dungeons and exchange them for powerful gear with customizable stats! This system will make it easier to upgrade your weakest slots as you’re able to target which items you’d like to have. These items can be upgraded, however, you may only have two of them equipped at the same time. A quick overview of what’s possible with these items:

  • Add secondary stats of your choice
  • Add a Socket and a Tertiary stat of your choice
  • Upgrade the item level up to 895 in Season 1 (Upgrading to higher item levels requires you complete increasingly higher levels of Mythic+ dungeons in the previous week)

– Enduring Elixirs from Emissary quests: Completing Emisarry quests has a 100% chance to award one of the following Enduring Elixirs: Enduring Elixir of Renown Increases Legion faction reputation gains based on the number of factions revered on your account. Lasts 4h. Enduring Elixir of Soaring Winds Increases your flying mounted speed by 250% and normal movement speed by 25%. Lasts 4h. Does not function in raids, dungeons, or other instances. Enduring Elixir of Prosperity Increases gold and currency gains from World Quests by 10%. Lasts 4h. Enduring Elixir of Reawakening Allows you to resurrect yourself upon death with 20% health and mana. This effect lasts 4h and can occur only once every 30min. Does not function in raids, dungeons, or other instances. These Elixirs are account-wide, meaning you can send them to your alts if you so desire! More Elixirs are in development.

– Mythic+ key depletion Bloodlust reset: Inspired by modern Expansions, we have added the ability to reset your Bloodlust’s (and similar effects) cooldown and debuff by right-clicking your keystone once your dungeon’s timer has expired. This will allow your group to complete the dungeon easier.

– Class Hall teleports: We have added a Class Hall teleport spell to every class that didn’t have it already. These spells function in the same way as the already existing ones. On the first cast you are teleported to your class hall. On re-cast you will be brought back to a location close to where you’ve been before.

– Mythic+ Cosmetics vendor: Earn Echoes of Reality from Mythic+ dungeons and exchange them for exclusive rewards such as: Epic mounts Transmogs Toys Companions The most prestigious rewards are locked behind high-level Mythic Plus completions in the current season.

Class Tuning


Shadow Priest

  • Shadow Crash applies Vampiric Touch on up to 20 affected enemies. This can work with along with Misery talent. Duration is reduced by 5% for each target beyond 5, but cannot be reduced below 5 sec.
  • Insanity drain decreased by 5%
  • Surrender to Madness will no longer kill you while in Dungeons, instead dropping your health to 1.

Dev note: Shadow Priest has a hard time in dungeons due to its strong dependency on DoTs. With these changes we hope to see more players in competitive Mythic Plus content playing this spec. By slightly lowering the insanity drain we even out the handicap of not having particular tier bonuses and should smooth out the gameplay. Surrender to Madness can be useful in niche situations without worring you will die at the end, saving precious time for the run. Now it works like a high risk – high reward talent.

Enhancement Shaman

  • Crash Lightning has new effects.

Hitting at least 2 enemies with Crash Lightning grants you 1% damage increase per enemy hit, up to 10%. Crash Lightning has a chance to trigger a Chain Lightning, damaging nearby enemies.

  • New Passive: Chain Reaction. Your Chain Lightning can proc from itself up to 5 times.

Dev note: Enhancement Shaman is a fun and fast paced spec, but it’s behind other specs in AoE damage. With these changes we give Shamans more room to play in cleave and medium aoe situations.

Survival Hunter

  • Lacerate has a new effect. Killing a target affected by Lacerate will restore a charge of Butchery. Can only occur every 5 sec.
  • Mok’nathal duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds.
  • New Spell: Nightmare Javelin

Throw a Nightmare Javelin at an enemy, critically striking the target, dealing tremendous physical damage.

  • New Passive: Find Weak Spot

Your Talonclaw attacks increase the damage of Nightmare Javelin by 10%, stacking up to 100 times. This effect is reset if you auto attack a different target.

  • Overall damage increased by 5%.

Dev note: Survival Hunters can be a potentially fun spec, but they often struggle with sustained damage and burst opportunities. To reinforce their aggressive playstyle, Lacerate now restores Butchery charges on kill with a small internal cooldown. The Mok’nathal buff duration increase improves uptime without making the rotation feel too punishing. The addition of Nightmare Javelin provides a powerful burst tool, while Find Weak Spot creates an engaging damage-building mechanic, rewarding players for staying on a single target. Finally, a 5% overall damage increase ensures that Survival remains competitive in all content types.

Subtlety Rogue

  • Overall damage increased by 10%.

Mistweaver Monk

  • Overall healing increased by 4%.

Protection Warrior

  • Overall damage increased by 3%.

Destruction Warlock

  • Lord of Flames debuff cooldown reduced from 10 minutes to 3 minutes.

Note: As mentioned earlier, values may not be final and can be changed based on feedback over time. These are the changes as of 10.03.2025.
PS: You can find all of this information on https://felsong.gg/plus as well! We are hoping to see you all in-game!

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