Duskhaven (3.3.5 PTE+) WotLK Trailer

Posted by Noxx

Date: August 8, 2022

Categories: Private Servers

Duskhaven is a custom PTE+ Server which expands upon the best versions of WoW adding features like reworked Classes and new specializations, Mythic+, Heroic/Mythic Raids and New Quests.

Most noteworthy features are:

* Custom Raids such as Azshara Crater and Karazhan Crypt
* New Lore-Filled Voiced Questlines and Cutscenes
* Reworked Classes and new Specializations
* Mythic+
* Heroic and Mythic Raids
* Several new Raid and Mythic+ Dungeon Bosses
* Over 500 New Quests and over 1000 new Creatures
* Crossfaction Gameplay
* Timewalking
* Reworked Tier Sets
* New Achievements
* The Option to Level with 1x Rates for exclusive Rewards
* Reworked Dalaran including the Violet Hold Dungeon
* Brawlers Guild. Solo PvE matches in which the players must adapt and use different strategies depending on which opponent they are currently facing
* New Collections Tab
* Legion-like Version of a Mage Tower
* Retail-like Version of Professions ex. Outland Mining, Northrend Herbalism.

Make sure to join our (https://discord.gg/raXAJyqRUe) to get more Information on our progress, content and share your interest, or give feedback! The official release is on the 30th September!

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