Dalaran-WoW Second Era: Information

dalaran wow blizzlike wotlk private server

Posted by Arthas

Date: October 18, 2019

Categories: Private Servers

Hello Citizens of Dalaran and beyond.
We are glad to finally present to you our Second Era’s idea. Its main goal is to provide once again the thrill to progress through the WoTLK content and jump directly into the action while keeping your characters’ hard work and efforts but without interfering with the fresh progression feeling. In this presentation, you are going to find a lot of different information: where the idea comes from, why are we offering it, how the system would work, timeline…etc.
We would also like to emphasize the fact that, you are the ones who will decide if this Second Era takes place or not. This is the idea we’ve been working on before presenting it to the community, now is the time to see if you want for it to happen. We need your opinions before reaching a conclusion, therefore, after reading it you will be able to fill a small survey. There is a small chance to win a symbolic reward upon the Survey’s completion.
Additionally, we are working on a “Scroll of resurrection like” feature, which will allow you to recruit an inactive player for this Second Era and there will be some nice rewards waiting for you both, we will post more information about this shortly.
Our project idea is clear, it has always been; we want to offer the best WoTLK experience we can. That also implies taking into account your characters’ value, effort and time. We believe you deserve the time and the work we have invested in creating a long-term solution. Our first thought is always our community, we are nothing without you.
Thank you for taking the time to read the presentation, and thank you for your participation in the Survey beforehand.
Edit: We will post compendium of questions/answers solving possible doubts received through the survey. Remember you can give us your opinion about a certain point and we will consider every suggestion.
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