Dalaran-WoW gives out free level 70s for the holidays!

Hello Citizens of Dalaran,
We would like to wish everyone a wonderful Holiday season and a very happy New Year on behalf of the Dalaran-WoW Staff.
It looks like many players missed the instant 70 promotion we gifted for our 5th Anniversary during the Summertime and as we have received many suggestions to open it again only for those who couldn’t enjoy it back then; we have thought to offer it for everyone who has been playing with us until now, as a way to celebrate these festivities and give you a well-deserved gift. But this time for just a month.
Because a New Year is approaching and we need all the strength to face again Kel’thuzad, Yogg’Saron, Anub’Arak and The Lich King, the best way is to lend you a hand and make the amazing Northrend content instantly available for you.
  • In order to check if you are eligible, you need to be logged in and visit https://www.dalaran-wow.com/account/character/instant-70/. If you can see the “Free” option, you are eligible.
  • It is totally free and you do not need to be premium.
  • The free pack will contain the starting set and a Cold Weather Flying book.
  • Once you have used it over one of your characters, you can’t use it anymore.
  • Only available for a month.
  • If you have donation points but you are eligible for the Free boost, the free boost shall have priority and no donation points will be deducted from your account.
Thank you for a wonderful 2018, looking forward to an even better 2019.
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