Atlantiss – Spine & Madness of Deathwing is here!

Posted by Furious

Date: May 27, 2018

Categories: Private Servers

Spine & Madness of Deathwing

The last encounters of the Dragon Soul raid are from now on (20:00 CEST 9th of May) available. We wish you good luck in your efforts to fight off the evil and walk away with many amazing items.

Thank you for your patience and we hope you’ll enjoy it!

30% Discount

We’ve decided to prolong the 30% shop discount until 13th of May 23:59 CEST. Make sure to visit our webshop and treat yourself with some cosmetic item that would perfectly go with your new Dragon Soul items.

Facebook contest

Yesterday we ran a little Facebook contest for all of you, your task was to describe and tell us for what do you like or dislike World of Warcraft or the Cataclysm expansion. Many of you provided short but on point answers, the best of them will be picked by us and then randomly picked.

Everyone who left a like on our post also took a part in the contest for the Winged Guardian mount. These winners will also be randomly picked.

Together we managed to put 10 prizes in the pot!

5 people will be awarded 60 Premium Points & 5 people will be awarded a Winged Guardian mount.

Future plans

As stated in our informative and occasional site next in the line is the Heroic version and the legendary questline – The Fangs of the Father.

Afterwards, everything is in front of us and since there’s still plenty to do we’ll continue our journey and hope you’ll stick with us.

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