What is Nether Crusade?
Nether Crusade is an instant 60 server mainly based on PvP. Our progress system rewards the player for participating in Battlegrounds, Arena, World PvP and some Solo content PvE. Every character has 50 ranks to unlock, upranking this so called “Battle Rank” will be your main goal since this will decide what gear you can wear. Unlocking a new rank will also unlock an array of vendors selling gear for this certain rank.
Ranking up can be done by both PvP an PvE since you will be rewarded “Progress Points” for completing certain objectives such as slaying a mob, killing a player, completing a quest, finishing a battleground and so on… You will be able to keep track of your progression by keeping an eye at your “XP Bar”.

What are the features?
Beside our rather unique progression system we have multiple features and content that will improve the players experience during the game.

Some of our latest updates:
New Progress Points / Rank calculations
We tweaked our system to a more balanced progression line. In other words: it will take a bit longer to reach the last rank but the progression feels a lot smoother.
No more Resilience
One of the base fundamentals where resilience points applied to every character based on the players rank. We however removed these due to the critical strike decrease that mostly affected casters.
Class Spell Balance
All class spells have been reviewed and buffed/nerved in case required. This should result in a more balanced Player vs Player game play. Note that some spells still can be modified at any time whenever this is suggested or required.
Objective rewards
You will receive better and more balanced rewards for certain objectives, for example: Whenever some one captures a Flag inside Warsong Gulch, his team members will receive 25% of the total capture reward. Players also receive a higher win/loss reward at the end of the Battleground.
Player vs Player Dailies
We have a ton of Daily PvP Quests, every quest has different objectives such as killing certain classes, returning x amount of flags, winning x amount of rated arenas in a row and so on… These quests reward both Progression Points, Gold and Honor Points. Honor Points can be used to buy either cosmetics such as Titles, Mounts or Transmog or Potions.
Rated Arenas
Rated arenas now reward both winning and losing team. This reward is multiplied by the players win/loss factor. The higher your win streak, the bigger your reward! Player can now use their Arena Points for certain items sold by vendors such as Bound to Account Reward Points or Honor Points, Titles, Mounts or Transmog.
Money as currency
In order to have some sort of economy we implemented money as a currency. Gold is used to buy gear from the vendors or to learn crafts from the Engineering trainer. Gold is obtainable from quests, mobs or pvp. You can even use the Auction house to buy/sell certain looted potions, materials or transmog items.
Free for All Solo Content Zone
You have the ability to do an array of daily quests inside Un’Goro Crater, a Free for All pvp zone. These quests reward you with either Reward Points or Tokens that can be used to buy Engineering materials. A lootbox will drop from every player being killed in this zone, inside this lootbox is an amount of Gold based on the players inventory, engineering materials and even Transmog items.
Un’Goro World Boss
A magic book dropped from the ancient Un’Goro mobs allows the player to accept a quest, completing this quest awakens a boss located inside Un’Goro so it becomes raid-able. Slaying this boss rewards every player that is part of the raid with a great amount of Progress Points. As additional loot he drops pieces of Transmog Sets, Transmog Weapons, Gold and other misc items. Note that this Book is pretty rare which results in a rather rare Boss spawn.
Engineering can give some good advantages in game, such as bombs or trinkets. Every player can learn of farm any of these schematics. The required materials are obtainable from either a vendor or as loot from the Un’Goro mobs.
Transmog Weapons and Sets
We have a large stack of Transmog weapons and set pieces obtainable from both loot and vendors.
Gurubashi Arena Event
A Blizzlike event scheduled every 3 hours starting at midnight. We have revamped the visuals and mechanics slightly but the schedule stays the same. The first player looting the Chest will receive a solid amount of Progression Points and some additional chest drops such and transmog, potions, tokens and so on. A list of exotic items becomes obtainable from looting tokens inside the chest. During the event (60 minutes) every honorable kill inside the arena will receive an additional 50% extra Progression Points. You no longer have to run back to your corpse. All the dead players will receive a Resurrection every 30 seconds instead.