Complete all the achievements listed. It rewards 30 Achievement Points and the title ‘Elder’.
- Many instances require a group in order for you to reach the Elder you need to speak with.
- Click on the linked names of the Elders in order to get a map of their locations.
- Be sure to keep your Coins so you can complete all the achievements!
- Begin in Stormwind and speak with a Lunar Festival Emissary to get the quest The Lunar Festival.
- Turn in to the Lunar Festival Harbinger just outside the front gates.
- From the same NPC, get the quest Lunar Fireworks.
- Festival Firecrackers can be purchased from the Lunar Festival Vendor in any major city. Purchase 10 and throw them as fast as you can. **Frenzied Firecracker Complete!**
- Red Rocket Clusters are purchased from the Lunar Festival Vendor in any major city. Purchase 10 and use a nearby launcher to fire them off as fast as you can. **The Rocket’s Red Glare Complete!**
- Complete and turn in the quest Lunar Fireworks if you haven’t already.
- Get the quest Valadar Starsong. Hang onto your invitation for now.
- Purchase 20 Green Rocket Clusters from the Lunar Festival Vendor and save them for later.
- Speak with Hammershout the Elder just outside the front gates too.
- Return to Stormwind and take the portal to Deepholm. Speak with Elder Stonebrand at the temple entrance.
- Fly southwest to Stonehearth and speak with Elder Deepforge.
- Return to Stormwind and take the boat to Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra.
- Sardis the Elder can be found just outside Valiance Keep.
- Pamuya the Elder is near the Horde city of Warsong Hold.
- Travel to the DEHTA Encampment for Arp the Elder.
- Go to Amber Ledge then fly to Transitus Shield where you will find Northal the Elder.
- Enter The Nexus and find Igasho the Elder. He is located near Ormorock the Tree-Shaper.
- Fly to River’s Heart in Sholazzar Basin to talk to Sandrene the Elder.
- Just north of River’s Heart is Rainspeaker Rapids where you’ll find Wanikaya the Elder.
- Travel up into Wintergrasp and find Bluewolf the Elder inside the Wintergrasp Fortress. Note that while your faction does not have to control Wintergrasp you will have to be able to get inside the keep.
- Fly to Star’s Rest in Dragonblight. In this area you’ll find Morthie the Elder.
- Enter the Azjol’Nerub instance and find Nurgen the Elder. He can be found just after the second boss after you fall through the hole.
- Go to the Horde town of Agmar’s Hammer and find Skywarden the Elder.
- Fly to Moa’ki Harbor in Dragonblight and speak with Thoim the Elder.
- Fly to K3 in the Storm Peaks and talk to Graymane the Elder.
- Fly to Frosthold and find Fargal the Elder.
- Fly to Bouldercrag’s Refuge and speak with Stonebeard the Elder.
- Fly to Ulduar and enter the Halls of Stone and find Yurauk the Elder in Krystallus’ area.
- Travel to the Horde town of Camp Taunka’lo to find Muraco the Elder.
- Fly to Gundrak in Zul’Drak and enter the instance. Find Ohanzee the Elder near the second (Stone Colossus) boss.
- Fly to Zim’Torga in Zul’Drak and speak with Tauros the Elder.
- Fly to Light’s Breach and go south to enter Drak’tharon and find Kilias the Elder inside King Dred’s pen.
- Fly to Westfall Brigade Encampment in Grizzly Hills and talk to Beldak the Elder.
- Go south to the Horde town of Camp Oneqwah and find Whurain the Elder.
- Travel eastward to the Ruins of Tethys on the shoreline and talk to Lunaro the Elder.
- Fly to Valgarde in Howling Fjord and enter Utgarde Keep to find Jarten the Elder. He is beyond the first boss but before the second.
- Enter Utgarde Pinnacle and find Chogan’gada the Elder. He is under the stairs after Skadi the Ruthless.**Elders of Northrend Complete!**
- Take the boat to Menethil Harbor then fly to the Shimmering Expanse in Vashj’ir. Go south to Biel’aran Ridge and speak with Elder Moonlance.
- Travel to the Horde town of the Sepulcher and talk to Obsidian the Elder.
- Travel to the Horde town of Brill in Tirisfal Glades and talk to Graveborn the Elder.
- Enter the Horde Major City of Undercity and find Darkcore the Elder in the Throne Room above ground.
- Go to the island of Caer Darrow in Western Plaguelands to speak with Moonstrike the Elder.
- Travel north to the Weeping Cave in Western Plaguelands and find Meadowrun the Elder.
- Travel to the Crown Guard Tower and talk to Windrun the Elder.
- Enter the Stratholme instance and find Farwhisper the Elder in Festival Lane.
- Fly to Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands and speak with Snowcrown the Elder.
- Fly to Stormfeather Outpost in the Hinterlands then head west to the Creeping Ruins where you’ll find Highpeak the Elder.
- Fly to Thundermar and go a little south to find Elder Darkfeather.
- Fly southward to Dunwald Ruins and find Elder Firebeard.
- Fly to Thelsamar, Loch Modan and speak with Silvervein the Elder.
- Fly to Ironforge and talk to Bronzebeard the Elder in the Mystic Ward. **Elders of the Alliance Complete!**
- Fly to Kharanos and speak with Goldwell the Elder.
- Fly to Iron Summit in Searing Gorge then travel to Blackchar Cave to find Ironband the Elder.
- Travel into Blackrock Mountain. Enter the Blackrock Spire instance and find Stonefort the Elder after the first rope bridge in the Lower side of the instance.
- Enter the Blackrock Depths instance where you will find Morndeep the Elder in the Ring of Law.
- Travel to Flame Crest in Burning Steppes and talk to Dawnstrider the Elder.
- Rumblerock the Elder can be found in Dreadmaul Rock.
- Fly to Marshtide Watch in the Swamp of Sorrows and head south to enter the Temple of Atal’Hakkar. Hug the left wall and you’ll find Starsong the Elder.
- Fly to Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands and go south to the Dark Portal where you will find Bellowrage the Elder.
- Fly to Booty Bay and talk to Winterhoof the Elder.
- Fly to the Rebel Camp in Stranglethorn Vale then go to Zul’Gurub just outside the instance and speak with Starglade the Elder.
- Fly to Sentinel Hill in Westfall and find Skychaser the Elder.
- Fly to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and talk to Stormbrow the Elder.
- Complete!**
- Fly to Stormwind and take the portal to Mount Hyjal. Elder Evershade is near the portal to return Stormwind.
- Fly to the Sanctuary of Malorne and speak with Elder Windsong.
- Fly to Everlook in Winterspring and find Stonespire the Elder.
- Travel to Lake Kel’Theril to the west and talk to Brightspear the Elder.
- Travel to the Moonglade then go turn in your quest.
- Get the quest Elune’s Blessing.
- Travel to the Stormrage Barrow Dens. Use your green rocket clusters in the rocket launchers and target Omen Minions. Eventually, you will get Omen to spawn. He’s a big, white, two-headed hound. You do not need to tag him first and you do not even have to be in the same raid or group in order to get Elune’s Blessing for killing Omen. You only need to be some-what near him when he goes down. Turn in the quest when complete. **Elune’s Blessing Complete!**
- You can now do the quests, Festive Lunar Pants Suits or Festive Lunar Dresses, from Valadar Starsong in Moonglade. It will cost you 5 Coins of Ancestry for each quest…which you should have already. **Lunar Festival Finery Complete!**
- Fly to the Emerald Sanctuary in Felwood then travel northward to Jaedenar where you will find Nightwind the Elder.
- Fly to Lor’Danel in Darkshore. Starweave the Elder is nearby.
- Fly to Darnassus. Bladeswift the Elder is in the Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus.
- Fly to Dolanaar in Teldrassil and speak with Bladeleaf the Elder.
- Fly to Astranaar in Ashenvale and speak with Riversong the Elder.
- Fly to Forest Song then make your way to Azshara. Skygleam the Elder can be found at the Ravencrest Monument on the far southeastern tip of land.
- Fly to Ratchet in the Barrens and find Windtotem the Elder.
- Travel to the Horde town of Razor Hill in Durotar and talk to Runetotem the Elder.
- Travel to the Horde Major City of Orgrimmar and find Darkhorn the Elder near the Horde Flight Master in the center of the city.
- Head back to the Horde town of Crossroads in the Barrens and speak with Moonwarden the Elder.
- Continue on southwardly to the Horde town of Vendetta Point and talk to High Mountain the Elder.
- Travel into Mulgore, to the Horde town of Bloodhoof Village to find Bloodhoof the Elder.
- Make your way into the Horde Major City of Thunder Bluff and speak with Elder Ezra Wheathoof on the Elder Rise. **Elders of the Horde Complete!**
- Fly to Thargad’s Camp in Desolace then travel to Maraudon. Enter the instance and locate Splitrock the Elder, in the tunnel between Rotgrip & the Goblin.
- Travel to Dire Maul in Feralas and find Mistwalker the Elder. Note that she is NOT inside the instances. She is inside the sub-zone.
- Continue easterly to the Lariss Pavilion in Feralas where you will find Grimtotem the Elder.
- Travel to the Horde town of Freewind Post in Thousand Needles and find Skyseer the Elder.
- Go to the Speedbarge and speak with Morningdew the Elder.
- Travel to Gadgetzan in Tanaris and talk to Dreamseer the Elder.
- Enter the Zul’Farrak instance where you’ll find Wildmane the Elder in Gahzrilla’s area. **Elders of the Dungeons Complete!**
- Ragetotem the Elder can be found in Southern Tanaris at the Valley of Watchers.
- Travel to the Slithering Scar in southern Un’goro Crater to find Thunderhorn the Elder.
- Fly to Cenarion Hold in Silithus and speak with Bladesing the Elder.
- Travel to the northwest corner of the zone, the Crystal Vale, where you will find Primestone the Elder.
- Complete!**
- Fly to Uldum to the northeast corner near Khartut’s Tomb where you will find Menkhaf the Elder.
- Fly to the southern coast of Uldum in the Ruins of Ammon where you will find Sekhemi the Elder. **Elders of Cataclysm complete!**
- 50 Coins of Ancestry! You have now recieved all the possible coins from the Elders in Azeroth. This achievement should now be complete!
Grats! You’re now an Elder! Do you feel older now?
- Begin in Orgrimmar and speak with a Lunar Festival Emissary and get the quest The Lunar Festival.
- Then go turn in to a Lunar Festival Harbinger to turn in.
- From the same NPC, get the quest Lunar Fireworks.
- Festival Firecrackers can be purchased from the Lunar Festival Vendor in any major city. Purchase 10 and throw them as fast as you can. **Frenzied Firecracker Complete!**
- Red Rocket Clusters are purchased from the Lunar Festival Vendor in any major city. Purchase 10 and use a nearby launcher to fire them off as fast as you can. **The Rocket’s Red Glare Complete!**
- Complete and turn in the quest Lunar Fireworks if you haven’t already.
- Get the quest Valadar Starsong.
- Purchase 20 Green Rocket Clusters from the Lunar Festival Vendor.
- Find Darkhorn the Elder too near the flight master.
- Take the portal to Deepholm. Speak with Elder Stonebrand at the temple entrance.
- Fly southwest to Stonehearth and speak with Elder Deepforge.
- Return to Orgrimmar and take the Zepplin to Warsong Hold in Borean Tundra.
- Pamuya the Elder can be found in Warsong Hold.
- Sardis the Elder is just outside the Alliance city of Valiance Keep.
- Travel to the DEHTA Encampment for Arp the Elder.
- Go to Amber Ledge then fly to Transitus Shield where you will find Northal the Elder.
- Enter The Nexus and find Igasho the Elder. He is located near Ormorock the Tree-Shaper.
- Fly to the Agmar’s Hammer and find Skywarden the Elder.
- Go to the Alliance town of Star’s Rest in Dragonblight. In this area you’ll find Morthie the Elder.
- Enter the Azjol’Nerub instance and find Nurgen the Elder. He can be found just after the second boss after you fall through the hole.
- Fly to Moa’ki Harbor in Dragonblight and speak with Thoim the Elder.
- Fly to New Agamand in Howling Fjord and enter Utgarde Keep to find Jarten the Elder. He is beyond the first boss but before the second.
- Enter Utgarde Pinnacle and find Chogan’gada the Elder. He is under the stairs after Skadi the Ruthless.
- Fly to Camp Oneqwah in Grizzly Hills and find Whurain the Elder.
- Travel eastward to the Ruins of Tethys on the shoreline and talk to Lunaro the Elder.
- Go northwest to the Alliance town of Westfall Brigade Encampment and talk to Beldak the Elder.
- Fly to Gundrak in Zul’Drak and enter the instance. Find Ohanzee the Elder near the second (Stone Colossus) boss.
- Fly to Zim’Torga in Zul’Drak and speak with Tauros the Elder.
- Fly to Light’s Breach and go south to enter Drak’tharon and find Kilias the Elder inside King Dred’s pen.
- Fly to K3 in the Storm Peaks and talk to Graymane the Elder.
- Fly to Camp Taunka’lo and find Muraco the Elder.
- Travel to the Alliance town of Frosthold and find Fargal the Elder.
- Fly to Ulduar and enter the Halls of Stone and find Yurauk the Elder in Krystallus’ area.
- Fly to Bouldercrag’s Refuge and speak with Stonebeard the Elder.
- Fly to River’s Heart in Sholazzar Basin to talk to Sandrene the Elder.
- Just north of River’s Heart is Rainspeaker Rapids where you’ll find Wanikaya the Elder.
- Travel up into Wintergrasp and find Bluewolf the Elder inside Wintergrasp Fortress. Note that while your faction does not have to control Wintergrasp you will have to be able to get inside the keep. **Elders of Northrend Complete!**
- Fly to Dalaran and take the portal back to Orgrimmar. Then take the portal to Uldum.
- Fly to the southern coast of Uldum in the Ruins of Ammon where you will find Sekhemi the Elder.
- Fly to the northeast corner of Uldum near Khartut’s Tomb where you will find Menkhaf the Elder.
- Ragetotem the Elder can be found in Southern Tanaris at the Valley of Watchers.
- Travel to Gadgetzan in Tanaris and talk to Dreamseer the Elder.
- Enter the Zul’Farrak instance where you’ll find Wildmane the Elder in Gahzrilla’s area.
- Go to the Speedbarge in Thousand Needles and speak with Morningdew the Elder.
- Fly to Freewind Post in Thousand Needles and find Skyseer the Elder.
- Travel to the Slithering Scar in southern Un’goro Crater to find Thunderhorn the Elder.
- Fly to Cenarion Hold in Silithus and speak with Bladesing the Elder.
- Travel to the northwest corner of the zone, the Crystal Vale, where you will find Primestone the Elder.
- Fly to Camp Mojache in Feralas and go north to Lariss Pavilion where you will find Grimtotem the Elder.
- Travel to Dire Maul in Feralas and find Mistwalker the Elder. Note that she is NOT inside the instances. She is inside the sub-zone.
- Fly to Shadowprey Village in Desolace then travel to Maraudon. Enter the instance and locate Splitrock the Elder, in the tunnel between Rotgrip & the Goblin.
- Fly to Thunder Bluff and speak with Elder Ezra Wheathoof on the Elder Rise.
- Travel to Bloodhoof Village to find Bloodhoof the Elder.
- Fly to Vendetta Point in the Barrens and talk to High Mountain the Elder.
- Fly to Ratchet and find Windtotem the Elder.
- Head to the Crossroads and speak with Moonwarden the Elder.
- Travel to Razor Hill in Durotar and talk to Runetotem the Elder.
- Fly to Orgrimmar then take the Zeppelin to Grom’gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale then go to Zul’Gurub just outside the instance and speak with Starglade the Elder.
- Travel to Booty Bay and talk to Winterhoof the Elder.
- Fly to Stonard in the Swamp of Sorrows and enter the Temple of Atal’Hakkar. Hug the left wall and you will find Starsong the Elder.
- Travel to the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands where you will find Bellowrage the Elder.
- Travel to the Alliance town of Sentinel Hill in Westfall and find Skychaser the Elder.
- Travel to the Alliance town of Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and talk to Stormbrow the Elder.
- Enter the Alliance Major City of Stormwind and find Hammershout the Elder just outside the front gates.
- Fly to Flame Crest in Burning Steppes and talk to Dawnstrider the Elder.
- Rumblerock the Elder can be found in Dreadmaul Rock.
- Travel into Blackrock Mountain. Enter the Blackrock Spire instance and find Stonefort the Elder after the first rope bridge in the Lower side of the instance.
- Enter the Blackrock Depths instance where you will find Morndeep the Elder in the Ring of Law.
- Travel northward into Searing Gorge to the Blackchar Cave where you will find Ironband the Elder.
- Travel to the Alliance town of Kharanos in Dun Morogh and speak with Goldwell the Elder.
- Enter the Alliance Major City of Ironforge and talk to Bronzebeard the Elder in the Mystic Ward.
- Fly to the Shimmering Expanse in Vashj’ir. Go south to Biel’aran Ridge and speak with Elder Moonlance.
- Travel to the Alliance town of Thelsamar in Loch Modan. Speak with Silvervein the Elder.
- Fly to Bloodgulch in Twilight Highlands then travel to Thundermar and speak with Elder Darkfeather.
- Fly southward to Dunwald Ruins and find Elder Firebeard.
- Fly to Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands then head westward to the Creeping Ruins where you’ll find Highpeak the Elder.
- Go north to the island of Caer Darrow in Western Plaguelands to speak with Moonstrike the Elder.
- Travel to the Weeping Cave in Western Plaguelands and find Meadowrun the Elder.
- Go to the Eastern Plaguelands and enter the Stratholme instance and find Farwhisper the Elder in Festival Lane.
**Elders of the Dungeons Complete!** - Travel to the Crown Guard Tower and talk to Windrun the Elder.
- Continue on to Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands and speak with Snowcrown the Elder.
- Fly to the Undercity and find Darkcore the Elder in the center area near the bank.
**Elders of the Horde Complete!** - Travel to Brill in Tirisfal Glades and talk to Graveborn the Elder.
- Fly to the Sepulcher and talk to Obsidian the Elder.
**Elders of Eastern Kingdoms Complete!** - Return to the Undercity where the Lundar Festival vendors are. Use your Lunar Festival Invitation to teleport to Moonglade then go turn in your quest.
- Get the quest Elune’s Blessing.
- Travel to the Stormrage Barrow Dens (65, 65). Use your green rocket clusters in the rocket launchers and target Omen Minions. Eventually, you will get Omen to spawn. He’s a big, white, two-headed hound. You do not need to tag him first and you do not have to be in the same raid or group in order to get Elune’s Blessing for killing Omen. You only need to be some-what near him when he goes down. Turn in the quest when complete! **Elune’s Blessing Complete!**
- You can now do quests, Festive Lunar Pants Suits or Festive Lunar Dresses, from Valadar Starsong in Moonglade for this achievement. It will cost you 5 Coins of Ancestry for each quest…which you should have already. ** Lunar Festival Finery Complete!**
- Fly to Everlook in Winterspring and find Stonespire the Elder.
- Travel to Lake Kel’Theril to the west and talk to Brightspear the Elder.
- Fly to Nordrassil in Mount Hyjal. Elder Evershade is near the portal to Stormwind.
- Fly to the Sanctuary of Malorne and speak with Elder Windsong.**Elders of Cataclysm complete!**
- Fly to Venom Post in Felwood then travel southward to Jaedenar where you will find Nightwind the Elder.
- Travel to the Southern Rocketway Terminus in Azshara. Skygleam the Elder can be found at the Ravencrest Monument on the far southeastern tip of land.
- Fly to Zoram’gar Outpost in Ashenvale then travel to the Alliance town of Astranaar and speak with Riversong the Elder.
- Travel north to the Alliance town of Lor’Danel in Darkshore. Starweave the Elder is nearby.
- Travel to the Alliance Major City of Darnassus. Bladeswift the Elder is in the Cenarion Enclave in Darnassus.
**Elders of the Alliance Complete!** - Travel to the Alliance town of Dolanaar in Teldrassil and speak with Bladeleaf the Elder. **Elders of Kalimdor Complete!**
- 50 Coins of Ancestry! You have now recieved all the possible coins from the Elders in Azeroth. This achievement should now be complete!
Grats! You’re now an Elder! Do you feel older now?