To All The Squirrels Who Cared For Me Achievement Guide

To All The Squirrels Who Cared For Me Achievement Guide
To All The Squirrels Who Cared For Me Achievement Guide WotLK Guides

Guide Type: Achievements

This achievement requires you to /love a list of critters. It awards 10 achievement points.


Macros are very helpful for this achievement because the critters are small and sometimes hard to find. Your macro should say:

/target Squirrel
/stopmacro [noexists]

Then simply change the name of the critter in your macro when you’re moving on.


  1. Begin in Stormwind and take the portal to Tol Barad.
  2. You will find both the Sassy Cat and the Wharf Rat in and around Rustberg Village.
  3. Travel south into the PvP Zone. Upon entering the zone you will find a Baradin Fox Kit to the east near Ironclad Garrison.
  4. Return to Stormwind.
  5. Take the portal to the Twilight Highlands and fly to the Crucible of Carnage.
  6. Around the Crucible you’ll find a Rattlesnake and a Yellow-Bellied Marmot.
  7. Fly northward to the Vermillion Redoubt where you will find a Highlands Turkey.
  8. Return to Stormwind.
  9. Take the portal to Vashj’ir and travel to the Silver Tide Hollow in the Shimmering Expanse.
  10. On the sea floor near the naga ruins you will find both the Sea Cucumber and the Rockchewer Whelk.
  11. Return to Stormwind and take the portal to Mount Hyjal.
  12. You can find Alpine Chipmunks all around Nordrassil.
  13. Northeast of the Circle of Cinders is the Hyjal Barrow Den cave entrance. Just inside you’ll find a Grotto Vole.
  14. Travel southeast to the Seat of the Chosen where you will find a Rock Viper.
  15. Travel to Uldum by either returning to Stormwind and taking the portal or just flying south.
  16. Circle the lake south of Ramkahen and you will find the Oasis Moth and the Mac Frog.



  1. Begin in Orgrimmar and take the portal to Tol Barad.
  2. You will find both the Sassy Cat and the Wharf Rat in and around Rustberg Village.
  3. Travel south into the PvP Zone. Upon entering the zone you will find a Baradin Fox Kit to the east near Ironclad Garrison.
  4. Return to Orgrimmar.
  5. Take the portal to the Twilight Highlands and fly to the Crucible of Carnage.
  6. Around the Crucible you’ll find a Rattlesnake and a Yellow-Bellied Marmot.
  7. Fly northward to the Vermillion Redoubt where you will find a Highlands Turkey.
  8. Return to Orgrimmar.
  9. Take the portal to Vashj’ir and travel to the Silver Tide Hollow in the Shimmering Expanse.
  10. On the sea floor near the naga ruins you will find both the Sea Cucumber and the Rockchewer Whelk.
  11. Return to Orgrimmar and take the portal to Mount Hyjal.
  12. You can find Alpine Chipmunks all around Nordrassil.
  13. Northeast of the Circle of Cinders is the Hyjal Barrow Den cave entrance. Just inside you’ll find a Grotto Vole.
  14. Travel southeast to the Seat of the Chosen where you will find a Rock Viper.
  15. Travel to Uldum by either returning to Orgrimmar and taking the portal or just flying south.
  16. Circle the lake south of Ramkahen and you will find the Oasis Moth and the Mac Frog.


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