Apprentice (to 75)
- Carolai Anise (Brill, Tirisfal Glades)
- Doctor Martin Felben (The Apothecarium, Undercity)
- Kray (Thunder Bluff, North part of Thunder Bluff)
- Miao’zan (Sen’jin Village, Durotar)
- Whuut (The Drag, Orgrimmar)
Journeyman (to 150)
- Bena Winterhoof (Thunder Bluff, North part of Thunder Bluff)
- Doctor Marsh (The Apothecarium, Undercity)
- Jaxin Chong (Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Serge Hinott (Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills)
- Yelmak (The Drag, Orgrimmar)
Expert (to 225)
- Doctor Herbert Halsey (The Apothecarium, Undercity)
Artisan (to 300)
- Rogvar (Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows)
Master (to 375)
- Apothecary Antonivich (Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula)
- Lauranna Thar’well – Potion Master (Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh)
- Zarevhi – Transmutation Master (Stormpsire, Netherstorm)
- Lorokeem – Elixir Master (Shattrath City)
Apprentice (to 75)
- Alchemist Mallory (Just outside Stormwind, Elwynn Forest)
- Cyndra Kindwhisper (Dolanaar, Teldrassil)
- Ghak Healtouch (Thelsamar, Loch Modan)
- Milla Fairancora (Craftsman’s Terrace, Darnassus)
- Tel’Athir (The Magic Quarter, Stormwind City)
- Vosur Brakthel (Tinkertown, Ironforge)
Journeyman (to 150)
- Lilyssia Nightbreeze (The Magic Quarter, Stormwind City)
- Alchemist Narett (Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh)
- Jaxin Chong (Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Kylanna (Silverwind Refuge, Ashenvale)
- Sylvanna Forestmoon (Craftsman’s Terrace, Darnassus)
- Tally Berryfizz (Tinkertown, Ironforge)
Expert (to 225)
- Ainethil (Craftsman’s Terrace, Darnassus)
Artisan (to 300)
- Kylanna Windwhisper (Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas)
Master (to 375)
- Alchemist Gribble (Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula)
- Lauranna Thar’well – Potion Master (Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh)
- Zarevhi – Transmutation Master (Stormpsire, Netherstorm)
- Lorokeem – Elixir Master (Shattrath City)
Apprentice (to 75)
- Basil Frye (The War Quarter, Undercity)
- Dwukk (Razor Hill, Durotar)
- Guillaume Sorouy (The Sepulcher, Silverpine)
- Thrag Stonehoof (Thunderbluff, South East part)
- Ug’thok (Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar)
- Traugh (Crossroads, The Barrens)
Journeyman (to 150)
- James Van Brunt (The War Quarter, Undercity)
- Karn Stonehoof (Thunder Bluff, South East part)
- Snarl (Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar)
Expert (to 225)
- Galvan the Ancient (Cave South of Zul’Gurub entrance, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Saru Steelfury (Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar)
Artisan (to 300)
- Brikk Keencraft (Booty Bay, Stranglethorn) [Recipes]
- Okothos Ironrager (Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar) [Armorsmith]
- Borgosh Corebender (Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar) [Weaponsmith] Talk to Krathok Moltenfist in The Valley of Honour first
- Seril Scourgebane (Everlook, Winterspring) [Swordsmith]
- Lilith the Lithe (Everlook, Winterspring) [Hammersmith]
- Kilram (Everlook, Winterspring) [Axesmith]
Master (to 375)
- Rohok (Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula)
- Zula Slagfury (Lower Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest) [Armoursmith]
- Kradu Grimblade (Lower Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest) [Weaponsmith]
Apprentice (to 75)
- Dane Lindgren (Dwarven District, Stormwind City)
- Delfrum Flintbeard (Auberdine, Darkshore)
- Groum Stonebeard (The Great Forge, Ironforge)
- Smith Argus (Goldshire, Elwynn Forest)
- Tognus Flintfire (Kharanos, Dun Morogh)
Journeyman (to 150)
- Clarise Gnarltree (Darkshire, Duskwood)
- Rotgath Stonebeard (The Great Forge, Ironforge)
- Therum Deepforge (Dwarven District, Stromwind City)
Expert (to 225)
- Bengus Deepforge (The Great Forge, Ironforge)
- Galvan the Ancient (Cave South of Zul’Gurub entrance, Stranglethorn Vale)
Artisan (to 300)
- Brikk Keencraft (Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Grumnus Steelshaper (The Great Forge, Ironforge) [Armorsmith]
- Ironus Coldsteel (The Great Forge, Ironforge) [Weaponsmith] Talk to Myolor Sunderfury in The Great Forge first
- Seril Scourgebane (Everlook, Winterspring) [Swordsmith]
- Lilith the Lithe (Everlook, Winterspring) [Hammersmith]
- Kilram (Everlook, Winterspring) [Axesmith]
Master (to 375)
Humphry (Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula)
Dumphry (Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula)
Zula Slagfury (Lower Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest) [Armoursmith]
Kradu Grimblade (Lower Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest) [Weaponsmith]
- Aska Mistrunner (Thunder Bluff, centre of Thunderbluff, near Cairn Bloodhoof)
- Eunice Burch (Undercity, centre of Undercity near the Bank)
- Zamja (The Drag, Orgrimmar)
- Duhng (Small hut east of Crossroads, the Barrens)
- Mudduk (Grom’Gol Base Camp, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Derak Nightfall (Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills)
- Kelsey Yance (Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
Expert (to 225)
- Expert Cookbook – buy from Wulan in Shadowprey Village, Desolace.
Artisan (to 300)
- Quest: Clamlette Surprise – Starts with Dirge Quikcleave (Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
Master (to 375)
- Master Cookbook – Sold by Baxter in Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula.
- Cook Ghilm (Gol’Bolar Quarry, Dun Morogh)
- Crystal Boughman (Lakeshire, Redridge Mountains)
- Daryl Riknussun (The Great Forge, Ironforge)
- Gremlock Pilsnor (Kharanos, Dun Morogh)
- Stephen Ryback (Old Town, Stormwind City) Casey’s brother? :o)
- Thomas (Goldshire, Elwynn Forest)
- Alegorn (Craftsman Terrace, Darnassus)
- Zarrin (Dolanaar, Teldrassil)
- Craig Nollward (Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh)
- Kelsey Yance (Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
Expert (to 225)
- Expert Cookbook – buy from Shandrina in Silverwind Refuge, Ashenvale.
Artisan (to 300)
- Quest: Clamlette Surprise – Starts with Dirge Quikcleave (Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
Master (to 375)
- Master Cookbook – Sold by Gaston in Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula.
Apprentice (to 75)
- Jhag (The Drag, Orgrimmar)
- Malcomb Wynn (The Apothecarium, Undercity)
- Mot Dawnstrider (Thunder Bluff, North part)
- Vance Undergloom (Brill, Tirisfal Glades)
Journeyman (to 150)
- Godan (The Drag, Orgrimmar)
- Lavinia Crowe (The Apothecarium, Undercity)
- Teg Dawnstrider (Thunder Bluff, North part)
Expert (to 225)
- Hgarth (Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains)
Artisan (to 300)
- Annora (Uldaman, Badlands)
- High Enchanter Bardolan (Shattrath City)
Master (to 375)
- Felannia (Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula)
- High Enchanter Bardolan (Shattrath City)
- Asarnan (The Stormspire, Netherstorm)
Apprentice (to 75)
- Alanna Raveneye (The Oracle Glade, Teldrassil)
- Betty Quin (The Magic Quarter, Stormwind City)
- Lalina Summermoon (Craftsman’s Terrace, Darnassus)
- Thonys Pillarstone (The Great Forge, Ironforge)
Journeyman (to 150)
- Gimble Thistlefuzz (The Great Forge, Ironforge)
- Lucan Cordell (The Magic Quarter, Stormwind City)
- Taladan (Craftsman’s Terrace, Darnassus)
- Xylinnia Starshine (Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas)
Expert (to 225)
- Kitta Firewind (Tower of Azora, Elwynn Forest)
Artisan (to 300)
- Annora (Uldaman)
- High Enchanter Bardolan (Shattrath City)
Master (to 375)
- Johan Barnes (Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula)
- High Enchanter Bardolan (Shattrath City)
- Asarnan (The Stormspire, Netherstorm)
Apprentice (to 75)
- Graham Van Talen (The Rogues Quarter, Undercity)
- Mukdrak (Razor Hill, Durotar)
- Thund (Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar)
- Tinkerwiz (Ratchet, The Barrens)
- Twizwick Sprocketgrind (Venture Co Mine, East Mulgore)
Journeyman (to 150)
- Franklin Lloyd (The Rogues Quarter, Undercity)
- Nogg (Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar)
Expert (to 225)
- Roxxik (Valley of Honour, Orgrimmar)
Artisan (to 300)
- Buzzek Bracketswing (Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
- Gnome Engineering Quest – Starts with Tinkerwiz (Ratchet, The Barrens)
- Goblin Engineering Quest – Starts with Nixx Sprocketspring (Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
- Master Gnomish Engineer = Oglethorpe Obnoticus (Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Master Goblin Engineer = Nixx Sprocketspring (Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
- Master Goblin Engineer = Vazario Linkgrease (Ratchet, The Barrens)
Master (to 375)
- Mack Diver (Zabra’jin, Zangarmarsh)
- Zebig (Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula)
- Xyrol (Area 52, Netherstorm)
Apprentice (to 75)
- Bronk Guzzlegear (Kharanos, Dun Morogh)
- Deek Fizzlebizz (Stonewrought Damn, Loch Modan)
- Jemma Quikswitch (Tinker Town, Ironforge)
- Sprite Jumpsprocket (Dwarven District, Stormwind City)
- Jenna Lemkenilli (Auberdine, Darkshore)
- Tinkerwiz (Ratchet, The Barrens)
Journeyman (to 150)
- Finbus Geargrind (Darkshire, Duskwood)
- Lilliam Sparkspindle (Dwarven District, Stormwind City)
- Trixie Quikswitch (Tinker Town, Ironforge)
Expert (to 225)
- Springspindle Fizzlegear (Tinker Town, Ironforge)
Artisan (to 300)
- Buzzek Bracketswing (Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
- Gnome Engineering Quest – Starts with Springspindle Fizzlegear (Tinker Town, Ironforge)
- Goblin Engineering Quest – Starts with Nixx Sprocketspring (Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
- Master Gnomish Engineer = Oglethorpe Obnoticus (Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale)
- Master Goblin Engineer = Nixx Sprocketspring (Gadgetzan, Tanaris)
- Master Goblin Engineer = Vazario Linkgrease (Ratchet, The Barrens)
Master (to 375)
- Lebowski (Honor Hold, Hellfire Pen
- Xyrol (Area 52, Netherstorm)
- K. Lee Smallfry (Telredor, Zangarmarsh)