Complete all of the listed Brewfest Achievements. Rewards 10 Achievement Points and the title <Brewmaster>.
Notes: This achievement will require level 80.
You will need a total of 205 tickets to complete the meta achievement. To complete all the achievements you will need 555 tickets.
- From a commoner in any major city, get the quest Brewfest!
- Go to Ironforge and go due south from the front gates to the Brewfest camp. Turn in Brewfest!
- Get and turn in Welcome to Brewfest!
- From Keiran Donoghue purchase and eat Dried Sausage, Pickled Sausage, Savory Sausage, Spicy Smoked Sausage, Succulent Sausage, and The Golden Link.
- From Arlen Lochlan purchase and eat The Essential Brewfest Pretzel.
- From Anne Summers purchase and eat Spiced Onion Cheese. ***The Brewfest Diet Complete!***
- From the Barleybrew Apprentice purchase and drink Barleybrew Clear, Barleybrew Light, and Barleybrew Dark.
- From the Thunderbrew Apprentice purchase and drink Thunder 45, Thunderbrew Ale, and Thunderbrew Stout.
- From the Gordok Apprentice purchase and drink Gordok Grog, Mudder’s Milk, and Ogre Mead. ***Strange Brew Complete!***
- Now that you’re nice a drunk, from Goldark Snipehunter get Catch the Wild Wolpertinger! There are Wolpertingers all around the Brewfest grounds but you must be drunk to see them. Use your net to catch 5 then go turn in. ***Does Your Wolpertinger Linger? Complete!***
- Get Pink Elekks On Parade.
- Fly to Stormwind, go to the beer garden just outside the front gates. Get drunk enough to see the little pink elekks and zap three of them.
- Take the boat to Auberdine and fly to Darnassus. The beer garden is located in the Warrior’s Terrace. Get drunk and zap three pink elekks.
- Fly back to Auberdine and take the boat to Azuremyst. The beer garden is located at the front entrance to the Exodar. Get drunk and zap three pink elekks.
- Return to Brewfest in Dun Morogh and turn in Pink Elekks On Parade.
- Get, complete and turn in Chug and Chuck. Near the gnome there is a table of beer mugs. Grab one, target the robot S.T.O.U.T. and throw the beer mug at him. Repeat 5 times and you’re done!
- Get then complete and turn in when possible This One Time When I Was Drunk…. To get this quest, you must sucessfully defend Brewfest from the Dark Iron Attack. The Dark Irons will attack brewfest every 30 minutes for 5 minutes. From a table, pick up a Complimentary Brewfest Sampler then hotkey it for easy use. Use the mug while pointing in the general direction of Dark Iron Dwarves to knock them down and cause them to disappear. Brewmaidens will automatically throw you another brew when you use your current one. When Brewfest is successfully defended (meaning the Dark Irons don’t destroy all the large kegs in the camp) a large gear will appear in the center of the camp. Use the gear to get the quest. Turn in the quest at Brewfest. This is a daily quest that you will need to do for tokens for other achievements. ***Down with the Dark Iron Complete!***
- Make sure you are not mounted or shapeshifted. Get Now This Is Ram Racing…Almost. Upon accepting this quest you will be given Ram Racing Reins. I recommend Hotkeying the reins. Using the reins will make your ram walk, trot, or gallop depending on how often you use them. Keep in mind that depending on your speed you will be getting a stacking debuff called Ram Fatigue. If it reaches 100 you will be immediately reduced to a less-than-walking-speed state called Exhausted. You must wait 15 seconds for the debuff to go away before you can go faster. There are barrels of apples around brewfest that will reset the stacking debuff if you get close enough to them. Maintain the various speeds until you complete the quest then turn it in.
- Get, complete and turn in There and Back Again. Race to the blacksmith in Kharanos, recieve a keg then race back. Repeat as fast as you can while utilizing the apple barrels along the way to maintain top speed. Every barrel you turn in gives you 2 more brewfest tokens and + 30 more seconds on the ram. Once you’ve turn in this quest you unlock Additional Work.
- Additional Work is not a quest. It’s a timer that allows you to do the ram racing every 18 hours or so for more brewfest tickets. You will need to do this as often as you can for tokens for other achievements.
- Get Bark for the Barleybrews! or Bark for the Thunderbrews! Complete it and turn in. This map shows you the points in Ironforge you need to visit. By maintaining a trot and the occasional canter you should be able to make it without getting fatigue. This is a daily quest for tokens! You will need to do this as often as you can so you’ll have enough tokens for other achievements.
- Use the Random Dungeon finder tool to queue for Coren Direbrew. When you kill Coren Direbrew, don’t forget to loot him to get Direbrew’s Dire Brew. Use it to get the quest Direbrew’s Dire Brew. Return to brewfest and turn it in. ***Direbrewfest Complete!***
- (Please note that this step is no longer a part of the meta for 2010)When you have enough tickets(350), purchase a brewfest hat, clothes, and shoes from Belbi Quikswitch. Travel to Dalaran, put on your brewfest garb, get completely smashed and then /dance. ***Disturbing the Peace Complete!***
- Take the portal to Shattrath. Go to the eastern bridge that would lead out of town. Face north on the bridge and aim for the road in lower city. Get completely smashed and jump down. ***Drunken Stupor Complete!***
- When you have enough tickets(200), purchase your Brew of the Month membership form from Belbi Quikswitch. Use it to get the quest Brew of the Month. Turn in at the Inn in Ironforge. ***Brew of the Month Complete!***
- When you have enough tickets(5) purchase some hops from Belbi Quikswitch. Mount up and use your hops. Alternatively you can try for the random drop mounts from Coren Direbrew in BRD. ***Have Keg, Will Travel Complete!***
Congrats! You’re now a Brewmaster!
You will need a total of 205 tickets to complete the meta achievement. To complete all the achievements you will need 555 tickets.
- From a commoner in any major city, get the quest Brewfest!
- Go to Orgrimmar, just outside the front gates to the Brewfest camp. Turn in Brewfest!
- Get and turn in Welcome to Brewfest!
- From Bron purchase and eat Dried Sausage, Pickled Sausage, Savory Sausage, Spicy Smoked Sausage, Succulent Sausage, and The Golden Link.
- From Uta Roughdough purchase and eat The Essential Brewfest Pretzel.
- From Agnes Farwithers purchase and eat Spiced Onion Cheese. ***The Brewfest Diet Complete!***
- From the Voodoo Brewery Apprentice purchase and drink Brewdoo Magic, Jungle River Water, Stout Shrunken Head.
- From the Distillery Apprentice purchase and drink Long Stride Brew, Path of Brew, and Small Step Brew.
- From the Gordok Apprentice purchase and drink Gordok Grog, Mudder’s Milk, and Ogre Mead.***Strange Brew Complete!***
- Now that you’re nice a drunk, from Glodrak Huntsniper get Catch the Wild Wolpertinger! There are Wolpertingers all around the Brewfest grounds but you must be drunk to see them. Use your net to catch 5 then go turn in. ***Does Your Wolpertinger Linger? Complete!***
- Get Pink Elekks On Parade.
- Travel to Thunder Bluff. The beer garden is located near the southwestern elevators. Get drunk to see the pink elekks then zap three of them.
- Travel to The Undercity. This beer garden is located in the Ruins of Lorderan. Get drunk and zap three elekks.
- Travel to Silvermoon City. The final beer garden you need to visit is located just outside the front gates of Silvermoon. Get drunk and zap three elekks.
- Return to Brewfest in Durotar and turn in Pink Elekks On Parade.
- Get, complete and turn in Chug and Chuck. Near the quest-giver there is a table of beer mugs. Grab one, target the robot S.T.O.U.T. and throw the beer mug at him. Repeat 5 times and you’re done!
- Get then complete and turn in when possible This One Time When I Was Drunk…. To get this quest, you must sucessfully defend Brewfest from the Dark Iron Attack. The Dark Irons will attack brewfest every 30 minutes for 5 minutes. From a table, pick up a Complimentary Brewfest Sampler then hotkey it for easy use. Use the mug while pointing in the general direction of Dark Iron Dwarves to knock them down and cause them to disappear. Brewmaidens will automatically throw you another brew when you use your current one. When Brewfest is successfully defended (meaning the Dark Irons don’t destroy all the large kegs in the camp) a large gear will appear in the center of the camp. Use the gear to get the quest. Turn in the quest at Brewfest. This is a daily quest that you will need to do for tokens for other achievements. ***Down with the Dark Iron Complete!***
- Make sure you are not mounted or shapeshifted. Get Now This Is Ram Racing…Almost. Upon accepting this quest you will be given Ram Racing Reins. I recommend Hotkeying the reins. Using the reins will make your ram walk, trot, or gallop depending on how often you use them. Keep in mind that depending on your speed you will be getting a stacking debuff called Ram Fatigue. If it reaches 100 you will be immediately reduced to a less-than-walking-speed state called Exhausted. You must wait 15 seconds for the debuff to go away before you can go faster. There are barrels of apples around brewfest that will reset the stacking debuff if you get close enough to them. Maintain the various speeds until you complete the quest then turn it in.
- Get, complete and turn in There and Back Again. Race south down the road to the small brewfest camp, recieve a keg then race back. Repeat as fast as you can while utilizing the apple barrels along the way to maintain top speed. Every barrel you turn in gives you 2 more brewfest tokens and + 30 more seconds on the ram. Once you’ve turn in this quest you unlock Additional Work.
- Additional Work is not a quest. It’s a timer that allows you to do the ram racing every 18 hours or so for more brewfest tickets. You will need to do this as often as you can for tokens for other achievements.
- Get Bark for Drohn’s Distillery! or Bark for T’chali’s Voodoo Brewery! Complete it and turn in. By maintaining a trot and the occasional canter you should be able to make it without getting fatigue. This is a daily quest for tokens! You will need to do this as often as you can so you’ll have enough tokens for other achievements.
- Get Save Brewfest! To complete this quest you need a group to travel to BRD, use the Mole Machine at the start of the instance to go to the Tavern where you will find the Spy to turn in your quest to.
- Use the Random Dungeon finder tool to queue for Coren Direbrew. When you kill Coren Direbrew, don’t forget to loot him to get Direbrew’s Dire Brew. Use it to get the quest Direbrew’s Dire Brew. Return to brewfest and turn it in. ***Direbrewfest Complete!***
- (Please note that this step is no longer a part of the meta for 2010)When you have enough tickets(350), purchase a brewfest hat, clothes, and shoes from Blix Fixwidget. Travel to Dalaran, put on your brewfest garb, get completely smashed and then /dance. ***Disturbing the Peace Complete!***
- Take the portal to Shattrath. Go to the eastern bridge that would lead out of town. Face north on the bridge and aim for the road in lower city. Get completely smashed and jump down. ***Drunken Stupor Complete!***
- When you have enough tickets(200), purchase your Brew of the Month membership form from Blix Fixwidget . Use it to get the quest Brew of the Month. Turn in at the Lodge in Orgrimmar. ***Brew of the Month Complete!***
- When you have enough tickets(5) purchase some hops from Blix Fixwidget. Mount up and use your hops. Alternatively you can try for the random drop mounts from Coren Direbrew in BRD. ***Have Keg, Will Travel Complete!***
Congrats! You’re now a Brewmaster!